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Feeling Ok during day...dreaming whit her every single night


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i`ve been dumped around 4months ago, it was a hard road to cross till now, but somehow i believe i am getting used to the pain...that i almost feel ok whit it, at least during the day, at work, then at night i dream whit her every single night...nothing in particular...just hanging out...and everything is fine... when i woke up you can imagine the rest... the worst are the dreams where i dream i am happy dating whit her again... very disapoiting when i wake up


does this happen to you often... i had weeks that didnt dreamed whit nothing...now every day and whit her in them...my head is so full of crap errr

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My ex appeared in my dreams every single night we were dating, and every single night after we had broken up. Granted, it seemed like we would still end up together but as of last week or so that seems a bit more doubtful. In any case, no, thankfully she hasn't shown up since the depression hit, and my downed spirit is already doing much better.



Just think about other stuff before you fall asleep. Hell, just think of other women if that helps, because often times the last things you think about show up in your dreams, as was the case with me.

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"The dream police, they live insdie of my head.

The dream police, they come to me in my bed.

The dream police, they're coming to arrest me, oh, no


You know that talk is cheap

And those rumors ain't nice

And when I fall asleep

I don't think I'll survive the night, the night


'Cause they're waiting for me

They're looking for me

Every single night

They're driving me insane

Those men inside my brain"


Cheap Trick


It sucks for the frist few weeks I know. I was there once and got to the point that I had to take pills in order to sleep. Horrible trying to turn off my brain. So then I finally figured out that I needed to make my body tired so I would have to sleep. I started to ride my mountain bike every day after work for an hour. I started to get in shape too as a result. My body got better, my mind got better...both are important.

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