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Weird (and kinda dumb) Problem


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Weird problem here. There's this girl that I want to get to know better that I have a class with. I just realized I actually pass her on the way to class (I'm walk faster b/c I'm taller lol), but when it happened I just pretended I didn't see her. I know this sounds stupid but I don't know how to initiate a conversation walking up from behind someone like that. To me it seems like it would be weird to just walk up from behind someone like that and even say "hi." I've never been in this situation before. I don't sit by her in class but I have talked to her a little before and I usually try to say hi to her when I see her (we were in the same class last semester), but this just seems weird. Am I just being dumb or is there some easy way to do this? This seems like a really good opportunity to talk to her and I don't want to waste it. Thanks in advance.

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Well, since you have talked to her a little before, and thus know each other on some level, then this will be easier. When you are walking up from behind her, just say "Hi [person's name]! How are you? etc." and go from there. This will be especially welcomed by her if she is walking alone. If she is with a group, it might get a little more complicated. Be sure you are smiling when you do it and be friendly. It is only awkward if you make it awkward.

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