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I have been going out with this girl for about 11 months now 12 months in 2 weeks. Well since oct. 5. Well anyways we started out having so much fun together. We loved eachother and life was great for the first 2 months. We decided to drink one night prolly in the the 3 month and that is when I discovered she is a mean drunk she is very rude. So basically we start arguing like basically once a week. Then february comes around and I cheated on her.


.......Damn I regret it everyday but I cant undo what I have done. Since then I have been called very rude names, hit, disrespected. She started to stop doing so much of that in June. Well at the end of June she started to talk to my friend a lot more because she said that she was going to plan something for my birthday with him. They started talking at least everyday once or twice. She told me on the 28th of june that she doesnt want to keep talking to me. This is like 8 days before my birthday. I started thinking a lot of maybe she is trying to hook up with my friend I have been friends with for like 5 years. Then we were together on my birthday and we saw eachother here and there.


My cousin was out from the 3-10 of july so I was mainly focusing my attention on her. So I wasnt spending too much time with my girlfriend because it was nice not being put down everyday. Then my cousin left on the 10th and me and my girlfriend starting talking a little more. We had a rough weekend of the 10th and the next weekend as well. I still had this feeling she was talking to my friend so I kept asking my girlfriend if she ever hung out with him or anything and I couldnt get the truth out of her for the life of me. Then one day at the end of july I was talking to her brother and he admitted to me that my friend and girlfriend and my girlfriends brother were together and went to an amusement park together and were having fun all day.


But still my girlfriend finally gets caught in the lie and confesses to me about that then like 2 days later I told her this is her final chance to tell me the truh about everything and she admitted that her and 2 of her friends went over and said hi to him the weekend of the 17th but that whole entire night I could not get a hold of her and her friends were answering the fone being really rude. I just feel that she has done something with my friend and wont admit it. Everytime I bring it up very calm she gets mad and says screw you u we shouldnt be doing this relation ship and bla bla bla.


I honestly feel very hurt. I am In love with this girl and I have been through a lot with her and I still everyday get yelled at for some reason or another. She deffinetly wears teh pants in this relationship I could say. Im really in love with her and I feel that it is time to leave. I dont know how to do it or anything. I feel trapped with her. Please tell me if you think this is deffinetly not a good relationship and get out of it and run. Or if I should get out of it and still be friends with her. Or do you think it is worth trying to keep. Since August 5 I asked her back out and we have been doing a lot of fun things. I treat her soo good but I dont feel she appreciates anything I do. I bend over backwards for this girl. I take her on trips and everything. There isnt anything I dont do for her to make her happy.


Do I deserve this much redicule for something I did so long ago. Is she going to be like this forever please someone help. She doesnt trust me and I really honestly dont trust her that much. Has she cheated on me with my friend to get revenge. Do girls like to get revenge or no. She has a lot of respect for her body. But I think she would do it just to make me know how she felt when she found out even tho she isnt tellin me if she did. HELP I KNOW I AM CONFUSING

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Do I deserve this much redicule for something I did so long ago. Is she going to be like this forever please someone help. She doesnt trust me and I really honestly dont trust her.


No kidding she doesnt trust you, you CHEATED on her. It sounds like she is trying to get revenge. I think you should just sit back and pretend not to care instead of constantly trying to talk to her, and her stupid friends. If she really does care about you she will come back and approach this as an adult, rather than a arrogant child. When you cheated you brought this on yourself....trust is the most important aspect of a relationship...if you dont have trust you have nothing.

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wow it sounds to me like you both have been doing some serious damage to your relationship. I think that she probably still has issues with what you did and can you really blame her?


Once trust is lost it's very hard to get it back-as you have noticed. I think you might both benefit from a break at this point. Some time apart to get yourself straightened up again.


I can't say if things will work out, but the way she is behaving lately leads me to believe that she wants out of this relationship. Are you going to sit around while she dates your friend?


This is difficult but maybe it's time to cut your losses with this girl. Learn from your mistakes and start over with someone else. What do you think?

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