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[qoute]if any1 can help me. . . all this summer since june, I've liked this guy who is my bff's (nancy)neighbor. And he liked me off and on. He kept trying to ask me out, but i told nancy to tell him NOT to ask me out because i was sorta goin out w/ this guy from summer skool. anyway, since school started, we flirted a lot, and then i found out that he tried to kiss nancy. ahem? ok, then, like, a week later, he asked me out and i said yes. we went out for a week. then he dumped me, saying he didnt want a girlfriend. ugh, now he's going to the dance with this other girl and i feel horrible. im completely not over him, because i've really liked him for 2 years. now i wanna get back together with him, and the dance is in 3 days. please give some advice


ugh, ok. this is an update from my last post, im just reposting it so more ppl will c it.

I've been keeping No Contact with the guy, but it's not working, because i c him everyday, but we dont talk. he now has a girlfriend, which really makes me mad, because #1, im jealous and #2, he lied when he dumped me, using the worst cliche ever, "i dont want a gf". so now, im seeing if i can invite the guy i was dating at summer to the dance that is tomorrow. but im not positive he can come. id appreciate it if some1 would reply by later 2nite.

thank you

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you wanna invite him to the dance? but wait didn you say he is going out with someone else. you could try and see if he goes with you but if he decides to bring the other gril alone then i suggest you dont go cause its gonna make you really jealous.

Question (sorry if its a bit harsh)

Why would you want to get back together with him if he lied to you?

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I think the best thing for you to do is forget about the ex-boyfriend and concentrate on getting a new one. If you like the guy from summer school, ask him out to the dance. If he says "No," you're no worse off than right now. If he says "Yes," then you're good to go.


But definitely don't keep chasing the ex-boyfriend. You said he wasn't honest with you, but from a guy's point of view "I don't want a girlfriend right now" really means, "I don't want YOU as my girlfriend." So he was indeed very honest with you. Chasing him is a waste of your time.


But don't take it too personally, a lot of guys and girls will go out with someone for a little while, realize they aren't really attracted to them, for whatever reason, and break up with them. I was your age once...when everyone you "went out" with was your boyfriend or girlfriend...even if it was for a week.


When you get to be my age (29) and even in your early 20's, and you REALLY start dating, you won't be so quick to tag everyone you go on a date with as your "boyfriend." That's not how dating really works as an adult. But, your a kid...barely learning the ropes...so it's simply a matter of semantics.


Hope this helps a bit.

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thx u guys. i just like that u understand that i am fairly young (16), and u dont make me sound like i dont matter.

lol. again, the fact that we went out for only a week was kinda the point. ya, i guess i kinda figured he didnt want to date ME. but i guess the fact

is- most ppl in my grade who are dating have relationships that last at least a few months (minimum) i hope that im doing the right thing. thx 4 ur advice. I LOVE THIS FORUM PLACE THING.

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