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Need help on getting her back

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Need some advice on getting back the love of my life.


This is what happened........Up until end of 2001, I was off and on with this girl I met at work. I knew that I loved her from very early on, ans I could not stop thinking aboiut all the time. We were together in 2001, then split up. I then decided to go to Australia for a year......she then made it clear that she wanted me back and she knew that she loved me.


Anyway, after a time, we got back together, and then i asked her to come with me......we spent a wonderful year together, we had ups and downs but I think that was normal....we were very much in love, and we had a great time.


We came back to the UK in December 2002. We had talked about moving in together when we got back, but nothing was certain, but we siad that we would decide once we had jobs. She went to her home in Austria for Xmas, and I stayed at home.


She came back to London in Jan, and the plan was for her to stay with me at my parents. This was the start of the downward slope. We had so many pressures on us that it took a strain on the relationship. Late januray, my gran was taken ill, and eventually died in hospital after 10 weeks, so we were going up the hospital all the time, I was trying to find a job and had no money...it was a nightmare. She found a job, but I didn't. She asked me to move out into a flat which she would pay for, but i said no as I had so much going on that I didn't know what to do. I think, in a way I took her for granted, as I may have slipped back into my old routine which I had before i went to Oz, and hated. And things were not as they were when we were in OZ. We didn't go out much, becuase of lack of money, and just other things.


Eventually....she decided to move out. Staying at my parents was only temporary for her, but i knew that she was not happy. I rang her a few times at her new place but all we did was argue.


Anyway, we decided to meet, and she said that she wanted time off from the relationship, but not to break up. I couldn't believe it....but i decided to do it after trying to talk her out of it and getting nowhere.


Anyway...i had realised that I had taken her for granted, and I was bad to her sometimes, and I had regrets at the way I treated her sometimes. Although I was under a lot of pressures at the time, she was also.


I decided to write a letter to her just saying sorry for all the things and telling her that I loved her and how special she made it for me in Oz.......she told me that she didn't read it, but I'm not sure if she just says that.....so I decided to try and meet up with her and tell her face to face.....this i did. I told her that she means the world to me, and that I didn't mean to do some of the things I was doing, and that I was sorry...that I was under a lot of pressure....but she says that she does not want to think about it and still wants time off and that she has fallen out of love with me.........we argued again a bit, butI think it was just me getting upset that I could not do anything about it.


I have decided to leave it alone now, and I wont call her. Just let her chill out.

I will probably see her at my brothers party in 5 weeks time which she is helping to organise.


I depseratly want to sort it out with her. I have learned a lot about myself and want to use what i have learned from my mistakes in a new relationship with her.

I love her so much and dont want to lose her and waste what we had together......I cant believe that what happened was enough for her to think of a break up, and fall out of love with me!!!!. I thought she would understand what was going on, as she lost her gran also.


I just dont know why she doesn't break it off with me if she cant forgive me. I thought that it may be to do with the party, and If she broke it off, I would ask her not to come......sounds funny but I'm not sure.

Also, is there a chanace she may fall back in love???


How can I get her back.



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People can be hard to understand sometimes... like how they can just fall out of love with someone all of a sudden... But she did say that she just wants a break right? So that's something... We learn so much about all our mistakes from breakups or separations but sometimes its too late... But sometimes its not. If she's willing maybe you should hang out as just friends once in a while. Dont talk about getting back together and dont pressure her. Just be her friend. Things can develop from there... my ex and I have remained friends since the day we broke up and things seem to be looking up for a possible getting back together... if we hadnt remained friends there most likely wouldnt have been hope for the future. Good luck. Hopefully she will realize how much she will be walking away from if she doesnt get back with you.

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