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Karibo, if I had the answer on how to tell what is going on in someone's head, I would share it with you in a minute. The truth is you never really know unless the person HONESTLY tells you.


I think this guy does not know what he wants. You might be right with the fear of commitment, but we can never be sure. How old is this guy? The shrugging you off in front of his friends and getting jealous and trying to make you jealous sounds very insecure and immature.


Although it hurts not to get an answer (trust me, I can relate), you have asked him where you stand? Wait for his answer. In my opinion, you deserve to be treated better, treated with respect. This guys is leaving for a few months, so approach him when he returns and see where things go. You might not even be interested, because you might come the realization that you deserve to be treated better. Also, I would not be sitting driving yourself crazy about this guy why he is gone. I know that is easier said than done. Do your own thing during those few months. Hang out with people that care about you, try to have a good time, try and date other guys. Hang in there and good luck.

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I am in the Navy. And I can tell you right now that given this behaviour, you are in for a lot of hurt if you keep it going with him. First I can tell you that I am almost positive that the USN has the highest rates of divorce(I'm one of them) of all the service branches. Second, he will undoubtedly go on long deployments with you at home wondering where he is and what or who he is doing. My advice is to run away and forget it. Not that all Sailors are bad but we are not. Some are just out for a good time and you are being used. I hate to hear of this stuff, I see guys and girls in my squadron doing this type of thing all the time. I can give you a list as long as my arm of broken relationships. Stay away. he's not ready for what you want. There's other good guys and Sailors out there. But just one more thing. Don't judge all of us by his behaviour.

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