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i wanna get back w/ my ex bf, but im not sure how.

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if any1 can help me. . .

all this summer since june, I've liked this guy who is my bff's (nancy)neighbor. And he liked me off and on. He kept trying to ask me out, but i told nancy to tell him NOT to ask me out because i was sorta goin out w/ this guy from summer skool. anyway, since school started, we flirted a lot, and then i found out that he tried to kiss nancy. ahem? ok, then, like, a week later, he asked me out and i said yes. we went out for a week. then he dumped me, saying he didnt want a girlfriend. ugh, now he's going to the dance with this other girl and i feel horrible. im completely not over him, because i've really liked him for 2 years. now i wanna get back together with him, and the dance is in 3 days. please give some advice.


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sweetheart.....excuse me for saying this but you obviously are REALLY REALLY YOUNG! You went out with him for 1 whole week? WOW, that's a long time i guess in school years! Listen, I don't mean to sound rude, but if you're between the ages of 13-18 then i really think you shouldn't worry too much about this. YOU WILL have many, many, many more boyfriends in years to come. Don't sweat this as much as you are. Obviously he isn't either. The best thing to do, is go to the dance, have a great time and show this guy that nothing is bothering you.

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I don't mean to sound rude, but if you're between the ages of 13-18 then i really think you shouldn't worry too much about this


So if you are udner 18 you don't have feelings? Obviously she likes this guy alot, how about give her some advice, rather then being a prlck.


Sorry I can't give you advice on this subject though, I'm kinda in the same boat as you.

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At this age fortune I would try to find a better looking guy and go to the dance with him. That will drive him insane and make him really jealous. At that age EVERYONE plays games, everyone does.


I know you really like him and all, but make him jealous. Do things that will make him jealous like have a girlfriend write you a love letter and red it around him. Wear something that will signify that you met another guy such as a guys necklace or ring, borrow your brothers if you have to. But dont talk to to many guys because you will come off as a hoe and you do not want that reputation in highschool. Girls lives are runied by that reputation.


It is a good chance you will not meet the man you will marry in highschool so you might as well have fun with it now before other more adult issues get in the way, such as children, bills, jobs, familes etc.


So I say get that little punk back and make him jealous. After he deserves it for dumping you after only one week! You're the girl and you have so much more power over men especially in highschool. AS you get older the power is close to equal but in highschool you rule men plain adn simple!!!!! MAKE HIM JEALOUS!!!!!

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