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age old questions...ladies mainly but guys are welcome


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Okay i know this is the same old question and i probaly already know what the answer i will get from u guys but bare with me. There is this girl i like my class, i dont know her all that well yet all i know is that she is very pretty, smart, funny and kinda shy. we have olny talked in passing "which i am hoping to change" and i am not sure if she "likes" me. It is hard to really talk to her because she always seems to be with her friends and chatting away. so far i have only known her for 2 weeks....since the start of school. so i guess my questions are A. how can i get to talk to her more when she is always with her friends? B. is it better to wait and get to know her better before u ask her out or just do it? C. The best way to ask her out and finally a good place to go.

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If i were the girl and i liked you i would want you to come up and ask me out on a date or atleast get some good conversation going to break the ice..Honestly i cant stand being the one to make the first move but what ive came to understand is that some guys are just as shy or even shyer than us girls...


If u arent scared of rejection ide talk to her AFTER class and tell her u would like to see her more out of school because she seems like an intresting person and like to get to know her better...


Lemme know how it goes for u....

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If i were the girl and i liked you i would want you to come up and ask me out on a date or atleast get some good conversation going to break the ice..Honestly i cant stand being the one to make the first move but what ive came to understand is that some guys are just as shy or even shyer than us girls...


If u arent scared of rejection ide talk to her AFTER class and tell her u would like to see her more out of school because she seems like an intresting person and like to get to know her better...


Lemme know how it goes for u....


o yeah dont forget to get her number

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hey. honestly if you get the vibe shes into you then you could go for the straight asking out way. but personally i like to become like flirtatious friends. flirt with her, thats the best way to start it going somehow, or do basic conversation and once its a little comfortable start flirting and see if she flirts back. if you have a class with her ask her about some of the classes or whatever, but thats just me, sexy's advice would work to, just depends on the girl.

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Find ways to touch her..


Play fighting would be good one probley...

Tickling her..Ask her if u can wisper something in her ear...Or Tell her a secret and be like U want me dont u? lol..just stuff like that


Eye contact works..but if ur kinda shy then look in her eye for a sec and look down and back up at her again..


Tease her but not to make her feel bad like just jokeing around none harmful way..


Flirting is pretty much being sarcastic and touching a lot...Smile at her and Wink if ur a big joker

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