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ex came by, and i started thinking

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so yesterday my ex came by to give me back my stuff.... I had been doing th nc thing the whole summer and im well on my way to recovery. But i dono she came by, and i just started thinking about the memoires...... it kinda got me down, but than again i realized that it would have not worked out in the end..... so that really gave me confort.....


Its just really frustrating these days when people are jumping in and out of relationships.... And its really sad that we let the fire burn out so easily..... I just think so many people these days take the easy way out of things. They dont try to work things out, but instead they break up and make up and than break up again.....


Call me old fashion call me wateva, but I think that once you truly love someone, you can't just run away from the problems that is bound to have in the course of the relationship...... I just hope I can find someone that can commit as much as I am willing to.....

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Pretty mature words from someone your age. That is good!


You are young, there will be plenty of chances. You will fall in love again. You will probably have your heart broken again also, unfortunately. At your age, LIVE LIFE. Have fun and learn from your relationships. Don't get to bogged down about the future, that is for old farts like me.

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Its just really frustrating these days when people are jumping in and out of relationships.... And its really sad that we let the fire burn out so easily..... I just think so many people these days take the easy way out of things. They dont try to work things out, but instead they break up and make up and than break up again.....


Call me old fashion call me wateva, but I think that once you truly love someone, you can't just run away from the problems that is bound to have in the course of the relationship...... I just hope I can find someone that can commit as much as I am willing to.....


I agree 800%. My ex was a cop-out...always unwilling to talk and quick to run away.

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I see where u guys are coming from, me being young and stuff. But the fact is that I do not want to go and party and have meaningless sex with girls..... u know what i mean? I feel like people around me just needs to grow up and stop being kids...... I never got how u can have sex with someone that you do now love. I mean the passion, the closeness is just not there.........


and about the many fishes out in the sea thing..... I do not want to go through what I had to go through for the past 6 month ever again..... it was such a dark chapter in my life that I feel like crying everytime I think about it.... thats y, the next time i fall in love im going to be absolutly sure......


thx for listening guys

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Guys, guys, guys, I don't like where this thread is going...


The bit about not wanting to fall in love again because it is too painful... not wanting to feel hurt like this again... The truth is you won't ever feel *exactly* like this again. Every relationship is as unique as the person it is with -- and so the pains of breaking up are unique to the experience too. It sucks, I know (belileve me, I know), but don't give up on the idea of finding love because of this bad experience. I've been in several relationships now, been in love a few times, and each time it ended I was sad for different reasons -- and sad in different degrees. Your next relationship will be with someone new, who will treat you differently, there will be a different dynamic, and if that ends, you can't possibly feel the same way as you do now because it will be about a different person.


So I guess all I'm saying is, you won't feel this way forever... and don't give up on the idea of finding the right person because someone else treated you badly.


good luck





work like you don't need the money,

love like you've never been hurt

and dance like nobody's watching

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Im not talking about never falling in love again..... all im saying is that i gotta be sure.... u know? like before i give my heart up on a silver plater. Because I gave it up too easlily this time...... I know that relationship is all about emotions, but sometimes you just have to think rationally about things...... My biggest mistake is being overly emotional and it lead to a very bad end.... If i had just thought things through with my head instead of my heart, I would not have gone through all the misery that I endored.....


just my take on things...

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It's very disappointing to have something and suddenly you've got nothing, I took care of her, I tried hard to please her and I was not exactly a good boy that finishes last, I was just good, and one day she's gone, it's over.

I'm optimistic about finding real love someday but now, maybe just now I feel like it's not gonna happen, I'm starting to become a lonely guy again, but now I hate loneliness, I realize she never loved me, 1 year and 8 months to the waste!. Sorry, this is not my space to post my feelings, I just needed to vent.

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I just had a question for all you college people out there, Im entering my freshmen year at UC riverside this year. And my ex is going to the same school. What are some of the things you guys do to avoid ur ex's. I know its a pretty big school (18,000) people. but i think the dorms are all pretty close...... I dono im just sorta worried about bumping into her....



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i agree w/ u 1000% i am dyin to find someone who will devote as much as themselves to me as i do for them. i know how frustrating it is to give your all & get screwed over & left w/ the most powerful of all pains & rejection from the one you'd die for.


its an indescribable agony. i hope you feel better soon, im still a wreck, even after 6 & 1/2 months broken up...



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