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She's Falling For My Best Friend

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2 weeks ago I broke up with my girlfriend.


Lately i've received word that she's fallen for my best friend. I'm feeling quit hurt seeing as a week ago, she went on and on about how she will never date for a long time (month or two) and it will take her a long time to get over me. Now she's already falling for my best friend and furthur rumor says she was fallin for him just before we broke up!


I've never felt so hurt, betrayed and lied to... On questioning her tonight she said she has no feelings for anyone at the moment, so she's either lieing to me or my friend and why go through the trouble of makin up a lie about fallin for someone... I dont know.


I'm convinced it is a rebound from our relationship but, who really knows. The rumor involved her saying she found him so attractive and everything... He's my BEST guy friend, like we're brothers without question...


I'm more venting than asking for help... But if anyone can throw in comments, that would help...


I'm just upset, pretty mad right now. ST

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She says it was mutual... but I was the one breaking up with her.


The rumor is from one direct person, it hasn't been passed along. I talked to my Guy friend about it and he seems a little weirded out about it but I believe if she started flirting with him, he'd give in.


I'm not rally panicing I just... feel Bleh... lol



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i think that if you should be mad at anyone it should be at your "best friend." If you are the one breaking up with someone then the way I look at it is that you dont have any right to be mad when they date, no matter who it is. If you don't want her, then why would you care what she does? I broke up with a girl once and a friend of mine dated her after...it didn't bother me one bit because I chose not to be with that girl so I had no problems with anything she wanted to do, as long as it made her happy. My friend though did talk to be about it first which was cool. If he had not, I may have been a little mad. Would you care if your friend talked to you about it first and got your ok?

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Hockeyboy is right, but you need to talk to your best friend about this not your ex. My view is if your the dumpee all bets are off, the dumper dosent have the right to tell the ex who they can and cant date, but your best friend should not be persuing this strickly because of your friendship. Besides she may just be trying to get back at you or maybe not. I had a similar situation but I got dumped and then my ex decided he was going after my best friend. I talked to my friend and he said that it would never happen because of our friendship and he really dosent like my ex other than an aquaintence. I never talked to my ex about because I was more concerned about my friendship with my best friend, and he put me at ease.

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i think it would be weird..but i wouldnt care. i wouldnt have cared if a friend dated a girl who i broke up with. now, if she broke up with me that would be much much different. it would be weird, but i think it would be weirder for them. my friend would have to think bout me sleeping with her and worrying that she is still attracted to me...so that would suck for him a lot more.

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So apparently my ex read this e-mail and is now saying that she doesn't like him AT ALL... which I think is lie #1 and then she said that she accidently read this post which i think is lie #2...


She says she MADE IT UP so she can fill the emptyness which could very well be true... But when SHE KNOWS what my username is "silenthunder" on all forums i'm on... She should NOT read my personal posts...


So i'm kinda pissed about that and I dont even know if I can believe her about my friend now (not liking him) so I dont know what to do...


My friend doesn't have a crush on her, but if she started acting on her feelings then yes he would start liking her. Thats how he works and thats how it would be so I wasn't worried about him so much as her...


Whatever, it's settled and i'm a little pissed right now but thank you for all your comments and help!

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