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I'm retarted at masterbating. help?


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Okay, so... I'm totally scared I'm never going to have an orgasm in my life. I've never really tried very hard at masterbating, because I get really frustrated and give up. Basically, it's because I don't know what to do! I sound reeeeeally stupid, but I'd really like some tips. Hah, thanks in advance.

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Not to be mean or anything but I think the title is hilarious lol.


about whats goin on. Maybe look at some porn on your computer first to get you aroused? or buy a vibrator?



yea, porn doesn't get me aroused, i just think it's funny. and, the title is funny, so you're not being mean.

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The tittle is really funny. I wasen't going to say anything to not make the "author" mad but... its is very funny.



I totally don't care, it was sort of a joke anyway. I don't take myself too seriously. But, yea... it'd sort of like some girls to give their input... ANY TIME NOW.

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Ohman...I really hope you weren't looking for serious advice, cause it seems your title is catching more attention than anything else. First off, I seriously doubt you are retarted at masturbating. It's not like anyone is going to teach you how to do it, because it's about self-pleasure and no one but yourself knows exactly what you find pleasurable. Now, I'm not going to ask how you go about doing it because that's just gross and I really really do not want to know, but I can give you a few tips, just in case. First off....do you ever rub your clit? Some women cannot get off unless their clit is being stimulated. Also...try to find your g-spot. It can be hard to find, but when your going about your business, find the one spot that feels the most pleasurable (makes you literally want to scream out in pleasure) and rub it...you'll orgasm eventually.


But just in case,...some women don't orgasm. It's just a part of their makeup. Blame genetics I guess.

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well, I would recomend just getting a gel that you like and take a pen or something if you dont want to go buy a sex toy and just make sure that you massage your clit, it is that little ball right above your vaginal opening. I would just use my hands with a gel or soap, might wanna be in ur tub for this if ur afraid of makin a mess w\ gel. Anyways, then as earlier mentioned think of something erotic that you think is sexy. Then if that doesnt do it try to find your G-spot like avalon said, it should be 6 or 7 inches inside your vagina and if you were looking at a clock it would be between 11 and 1 o'clock. Try using your hand to get there, and just so you know it is much harder for a woman to orgasm if she is tense, just loosen up and enjoy yourself. If you have any more questions feel free to pm me.

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well ur g spot is in the top part of ur vaginal..haha..well u rub the inside-top part of it adn a lil back and its around there...and u might be woundering how i know and its becaus ei have a few close girlfriends..that talk about it all the time..so i think that is where it is...well get back to me or email me to me if i was right i just wanted to know....

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Ok. I can help you, maybe. Vibrators are excellent. I like them so much that I want to get one of those vibrators that looks like a tube of lipstick so I can take it with me everywhere. Another thing that I like are those toys that can stimulate the G-spot and the clit at the same time. The most common one is called "The Rabbit." I used something called the Pearl Panther. ha ha. THAT'S a funny a title. Sometimes you just have to have patience. Take your time and don't give up. You may just discover an explosive orgasm at the end of your journey. lol. I hope I helped a little bit. Good luck!

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sorry just had to laugh at OCSVirus. So the g-spot is between 11 and 1 o'clock? So...would i be correct in saying 12 o'clock? hehe


Also its not quite 6-7 inches in more like 2-3. I doubt most people have 7 inch long fingers do they?


mkat i would suggest a vibrator. I also have trouble getting there by myself so this really helps massaging your clitoris. Otherwise in the bath or shower using water pressure. I highly reccomend it. Goodluck with it.

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sorry just had to laugh at OCSVirus. So the g-spot is between 11 and 1 o'clock? So...would i be correct in saying 12 o'clock? hehe


Also its not quite 6-7 inches in more like 2-3. I doubt most people have 7 inch long fingers do they?


mkat i would suggest a vibrator. I also have trouble getting there by myself so this really helps massaging your clitoris. Otherwise in the bath or shower using water pressure. I highly reccomend it. Goodluck with it.


Yes, i'ts not 6-7 inches! Is more like what tahlia said..2-3.....If any guy can get their penis up there during sex...then your in business..


For masturbating, my gf usually takes about 10-20 minutes...so keep at it and don't give up. The key is the clit and the g-spot.


If you don't know what the clit is...its just about your vigina, its on the outside, just rub in circles.


The g-spot is right below your clit, but the g-spot is inside, about 2-3 inches, make sure your well warmed up so the g-spot gets bigger.

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