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my girlfriend started her period today, about 3 days early. she threw up twice today because she said it hurt so bad. i asked if that ever happened before, she said no. we were out in the heat and doing a bit of walking so i don't know if that had anything to do with it. anyways, what i'm really asking is, we also had sex twice without a condom, i didn't cum..so is this normal?

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Sometimes when you are upset about something, it is really easy to get your stomach in on the worrying. I just read that eating and drinking have a real psychological component, which is why we always do that when we are depressed.


Get her some clear fluids -- like seven up, and other sodas w/out caffene, let her drink plenty of fluids and just stay off her feet for a day or two.


The worst part of the period is probably the first 2 to 3 days, after that most of the cramping and heavy discharge is over. Let her rest. Have her take midal.

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Yah. Having her period is usually a pretty decent sign that she's not pregnant, but it is possible to have your period while your pregnant after about the 3rd month though this shouldn't happen if she's pregnant.


The heat could have something to do with it but speaking as a female, those cramps can really do some damage sometimes. I think that this could just be normal...if the symptoms continue I'd seek medical attention.


From now on wear a condom when you're going to have sex. And just because you didn't cum doesn't mean she can't be preggers...there's a thing called pre-cum where smaller ammounts of semen come out...protect yourself but more importantly protect her.

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yeah, i was pretty sure it was just her cramps being really bad, but i was just asking to make sure. it never happened to her that bad though before and we've been together for awhile now so i just thought it was odd, and she's said they've never made her throw up before soo...anyways, just asking to be sure, thanks.

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