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Is there any sign i can get from god just ONE SIGN! saying what i have done wrong i cant TAKE IT!!!!My friends brother has broke this poor young church girl in.Just about 4 months ago she didnt know what an orgasm was and plenty of other sexual things were she was totally sexually ignorant.



Overtime he broke her in with some stupid help and taught her everything there was to be a lame girl...Just the first week they dated they made out...And now 2 months later he has had sex with her!!! everything went so fast and they totally obliterated this lil church girl into a sl*t.


A guy who cheated on her by having sex with another girl 4 times.A guy who doesnt work at all and just works off mama.A guy that constantly thinks with his small head and guy who is just having an easy ride for the time being.



Yet i dont get one girlfriend!!!!!I am very nice too girls and i get that compliment form many although they do not like me ever.I work for myself and i like to give food to friends and help out my parents.I even bought all my school clothes this year for 200 bucks because heck it feels good to buy all ur stuff.I dont think with my small head and i would never think of treating a girl like he does.



I do nothing to ever hurt a girl!!!! i WOULD NEVER think of it in my whole life i would treat them so sacredly it would not be funny.I would never push sex on them or anything id let them go as fast as they want.But yet i do not ever get 1 how cna this be why does she like this a hole WHY?????WHat have i done wrong in this life??????I have tried to be as good as possible my whole life yet i get a stupid life and something i cannot cherish i receive nothign i feel good about.I guess im just one those people born to give give give and nothing much in return but o well as long as i can give to charieties and stuff that might make me happy cause id feel special one bright side

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Well although i get girls, i dont get the quantity (or actually, the "right" type) of girls i think i should for who i am. And when I do find the right girl things always mess up (either they live in another country (2) or they start lieing and go back their ex (1)) . As i have said countless times, many girls (least the younger 1s) love the total to**er. Its hard to understand why, but they do. My bad boys friends have always been more successful with girls than my good guy friends. Really sad to see.


I always try to take comfort in the thought that 1 day, i will find that special girl. U can't go looking for these things, they just happen.

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Why do you let your brother get to you like that?..Let him run around with these girls if their being swayed by him that fast chances are they aren't worth your time at all!!...I think alot of girls here would agree with what I'm about to say:


Any good decent girl...and yes I believe their out there does NOT allow herself to be swayed by some guy like that..The girls out there who are real church girls who have upstanding morals and religious beliefs and are serious about them won't give into pressure by someone like that in fact they'd probably walk out the door sayin they don't need that..


So what if your brother is running around with all these girls I'm telling you its going to catch up to him eventually..He's gonna screw it all up its only a matter of time just sit back and watch his downfall cause its coming..


In the meantime stop feeling so depressed you will be the more wanted when you get older....take a look at yourself..you have a job(that's something your brother doesn't have!!)..You'll be seen as more responsible, mature and a person who can take care of themselves..cause you have all your $$ and you don't have to go to your mom for any like your immature brother does..


I'm telling you I'm in the same boat as you but I feel if I just sit around and mope about it I only make myself worse and that will turn off any girl that I think would be attracted to me..


Hope that helps feel free to PM me if you need any help

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Shinobie I've been feeling that way too lately. I take 16 hours of classes and I work around 25 hours a week. I have a very decent job and get paid very well. I work very hard in school and so far I'm a 4.0 student (sorry I sound like I'm bragging). I am also a very easygoing and friendly guy who would treat a girl right. I meet girls at my college every week and they seem to become unattracted to me right away. Sometimes they seem like they are interested (like they'll say you seem like a really nice guy, etc.) but then never talk to me again. And I've been told by a lot of girls online that I look decent so I don't think it is neccessarily the looks (although I do need to work out again). I get a girl's online screen name but whenever we talk online she seems so bored of me so I end up leaving her alone eventually. I try not to act boring at all. I try to be a little fun and maybe joke around a little but I guess I'm not very good at that. And then I see almost every other guy around her hanging out with all kinds of girls all the time and I'm sitting here trying to at least make friends with at least one girl. I really don't know what it is that repels them from me so I can understand how you feel Shinobie. Maybe it's something real simple like I don't smile all the time or I'm not outgoing enough, etc. I've tried to become more outgoing lately and I've managed to meet some new people around here but can't get past that "acquaintanceship" level of people you know? I tried to start being funny and be a little fun but they just seem to be repelled to me in some way. Maybe it's the way I look when I talk to people or the way I talk. I guess what I can do for now is just work out and make myself look even better and just stop searching for a little while.


I hear from so many people that love comes to you so maybe it really is true. I hate having to stop searching for a while but maybe it's the right thing to do. Oh, and if people want to see my pic to prove that I'm not ugly then I would be happy to show that. And the strange thing is that I've never even come close to having a girlfriend. It seems to happen to certain guys like us most likely because we are just so different from other guys out there. Shinobie, I just want to let you know that you should not feel alone and that some guys share similar pain as you feel. Just keep a least a little bit of hope in the back of your head that one day you will get a girlfriend and in the meantime try to set some personal goals for yourself like work out, do good in school, keep doing well at your job so that you could possibly be promoted one day. Also, if you can, just try and make some more friends (they do not have to be girls) so that when you get lonely like this you can just ask to hang out with them somewhere. Let that guy turn the girl into a ****. That's their problem. They will both realize what they are really doing one day. Just be confident with yourself and know that you are good boyfriend material and that it is only a matter of time before we both find the right girl. Wow, my apologies for this long post.

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When I was your age, I could not get a girl friend, period. Whenever I asked, it was heart wrenching. I felt totally left out of the party. And I'm not bad looking, I also would treat a gf like a princess and all that. And the sleezoes in my class got all the hottest girls. But the thought of an innocent, "pure" girl going to a loozer, especially when she was THE girl of my dreams, was way too painful.


Now, a few years later, that loser really lost. It's tragic - he died of an OD. He was rich, good looking, had everything going for him, and ODed. She never really had a relationship she deserved, only with ppl who didn't treat her right. It hurt to watch, it hurt to experience that loneliness. But I am learning something from all this: No two girls are the same, and not every girl is as she seems to be. We've just got to keep on going, keep on meeting, keep on GROWING! We'll get our love, because we have so much to give. And it will be with a smart girl who can recognize it.


Here's something you HAVE to do right now, my friend. Change your signature. You wrote:

Basic math-

Me = ugly

girls = do not like ugly guys

so if Me=ugly guy

and ugly guy=no girlfriends

then Me=no girls


This is a bad attitude. There are 800 books on the power of positive thinking, and I can tell you they are 100% right. If you don't love and respect yourself, how can you expect others, women, to? You have permission to love yourself, and make your signature something like:


Basic math-

Me = a real, confident, smart guy

girls = want a real, confident, smart guy

so if Me=real, confident, smart guy

and real, confident, smart guy=girlfriends

then Me=tons of girls!

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What the hey, Shinobie. I agree with everyone in saying that you have to work on fostering a positive attitude in yourself. The world doesn't change. Let me repeat: The World Does Not Change. Only your perception of it can change. And once your perception of the world changes, so too will people's perception of you change.


Honestly, you sound like an awesome guy who really has a lot of his stuff together for someone your age. Any teenage girl can count her lucky stars to be your girlfriend. I understand you are taking medication to combat your depression, which is good. I just hope you're also seeing a counselor. I have a few friends who have seen counselors, one of them is clinically depressed, and it has helped all of them immensely.



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