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my girl broke up with me about 1 and a half month. we are still talking and hanging out like once a week. she asked me to be friends after, so i did. i am still so in love with her, so i asked her how she feel about me and she tells me she loves me. and befor the last week she did not tell me she love me, she just do not want to say anything about it becasue

she said it hurts to much. about a week ago she started to told me she loves me so much, or tells me frist that she loves me even befor i bring it up.

then today i asked her and told her


i know that you love me and everything and i trust you every time you say it, but i wanted to know if your still IN LOVE with me.


she told me she did not want to talk about this and that i know why she is like this cuz she has to be cold to protact her self. she also tells me that. she miss me and all. but it's ok that she tells me that she love me about 5 min befor. but she can't tell me if she is in love with me


so what i want to know is, does she LOVE as in careing vary much for me or she IN LOVE with me but can't say it cuz it hurts to much? but how can she tell me she love me then?

please helppppppppppppppp........


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I think that maybe shes not very sure. And that maybe it does hurt her a lot to think about that kind of stuff. I mean she has to remember she dumped you not the other way around. There is a big difference of loving someone and being in love. Just be a little bit easier with her and be like i need to know...

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Man...back off a little! Obviously she is not sure about her feelings towards you and instead of hurting you even more she even is so nice to admit to you that she is unsure... Do not try to pressurize her, even if it is by being "nice" to her. Something is stressing her out...it may be the decision she is trying to make.


Maybe she still is in love with you...but maybe she isn't. She has to make her mind up about this, but you can't force her to. I know how much you would like to have her say that she is still in love with you...but be prepared that she is not anymore...


Be friendly around her, and yes, in a way, also be "nice"...but don't try to push her...it won't do any good. Believe me.

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Actually ihave a different outlook on the situation. I don't think either of you are in love.


You are falling in and out of infatuation. It's hard to tell the difference between the two.


The reason i think this is because you were only together for a month and a half.


Real love develops from time, situations and when you finally see your lover as a person. In other words they're just like everyone else and has faults.When you're crazy about them despite their faults andw ant to be with them the way they are thats real love.


Being "in love" can only come out of love, and what that is is simply keeping the passion burning.

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Makes sense.


It was 2 years for me then my ex dumped me. I guess we were falling out ofthat in love stage.


Her feeling it wasn't working, what does that mean?She dosn't really love me?


But here i am, her flaws and all, and all i want is her. I know i truly love her.

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