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how bad dose it hart for the first time ( you know sex)


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It depends on the girl...If she's masturbated before or been fingered than it wouldn't hurt AS much, and then there's the case of some girls just being looser down there than others. It also depends on the size of the guy as well, too big is always an ouch. However, if the guy goes nice and slow than it shouldn't be too bad.

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It didn't hurt me at all the first time, was surprised me because I had heard horror stories about how bad it hurt. I think the reason is because my boyfriend and I did A LOT of foreplay before hand so I wasn't as nervous and I wasn't as dry as some girls are, due to nervousness... It may just depend on the girl though.

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It depends on the girl...If she's masturbated before or been fingered than it wouldn't hurt AS much, and then there's the case of some girls just being looser down there than others. It also depends on the size of the guy as well, too big is always an ouch. However, if the guy goes nice and slow than it shouldn't be too bad.


hey I like your tinkerbell! how do you get pictures in there?

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my first time having sex didn't really hurt but felt unusual and a little uncomfortable as i hadn't had anything inside me that was as big as a penis before. it hurt ALOT when i was fingered for the first time. i bled a bit, not heaps but.


i really had it stuck in my mind that my first time having sex was going to hurt so much and i was going to bled heaps. a friend of mine that had happened to her and she bled for a day afterwards. it really depends on the individual, amount of foreplay, the partner, etc.


there is only one way of finding out for sure what it feels like and that's to experience it yourself (only when EMOTIONALLY you feel ready). any first experience is nerve racking and thats ok. thats all part of the learning loving experience.

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My first time having sex didn't hurt, it was just slightly uncomfortable. Honestly it was worse to put a tampon in the first time for me. My boyfriend took it very slowly and was very gentle, so it helped a lot.


In answer to your question lil kitty, I felt good the first time. But I think for most people it takes a couple of tries before you really start to feel wonderful. My friend told me she didn't feel good until she was able to figure out a rhythm with her partner.

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Ayekasong is right. It's all about the rythm. If you push while he strokes out and you move to get comfortable and that causes him to fall out... well, those are all things that will happen with a new partner. It takes time, patience, and experience with that person to learn how to move together so that it accentuates the experience. It is the best when you are both connection emotionally and in rythm together. I think that is when your sexual experience "explodes", for the lack of a better word .

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