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dunno what to say....


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well theres this girl that likes me and i like her.. she lives 3 hours away... im gona get her number and call her this weekend or next week and talk to her... can sum1 tell me a good way to ask her if she wants to be my girlfriend.. and ive already got my mind set that i want to date her and my friends also told me to so plz dont tell me that its not a good idea to hav a long distance relationship juss help me out.. thnx.

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I don't think that you should ASK someone to be your girlfriend/boyfriend, instead ask them if they want to go out on a date and take it from there. If you want to be subtle about it you could say something like "We really have to get together, can I take you out to dinner and a movie sometime?" and if you want to be upfront, tell her something along the lines of "I really like you and I'd love to take you out on a date...May I?"

Who knows, you guys may not even have any chemistry, that's why it's wise to try things out first before jumping into a relationship.

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Well even then, how can you expect to have a serious relationship with someone when you're only interacting over the phone? I'm sorry but you're not making much sense...No matter what the circumstances, it is not appropriate to ask someone to be your girlfriend/boyfriend over the phone when you guys haven't even gone on a DATE yet.

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I'm sorry but I don't know WHAT to tell you, I would hate it if someone asked me out over the PHONE

Besides, if you like her so much it should all come naturally...I dunno, say something like "You're a great girl and I love talking to you, I'd like to take our relationship to the next level because we work so well together and I can see us having a future."

It's hard for me to come up with something that you could say over the phone, and it also doesn't help that I don't know your age...

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dude ive only asked out a few women in my life and I'm in the process again now (it sucks i know). Take it from me dont rehearse. I rehearsed my first time and I got a yes but the a polite shutdown. Second time just called her up asked her out she said yes we went and had fun. REhearsing doesnt work just talk normal wait for the oppurtunity and the take a shot at it.

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