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a GF of mine wrote this to me and it makes a lot of sense:


"If he genuinely hoped you'd found someone to "fill the void", he wouldn't have even come back. He would have left and stayed gone. No one who sincerely hopes you've moved on & found someone else shows back up and makes the selfish comments such as he did."

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Let's translate this...


This was his reply:


It's not like that at all......

I'm trying to sort everything out at this point.


He's trying to manage his time with all the sex he can get from other women.


I still feel that you deserve a man that can be with you all the time, not someone, like me, who can only come by every now and then.


He is saying that he can't commit to you at all. He's only with you when he wants to sleep with you and nothing else. Find someone else if you want someone who can treat you better than that.


I had hoped, in a strange way, that you would have found someone to fill the void left during my absence, but the selfish side of me wants

no one else to stroke that * * * * * and ass but me.....


The battle rages on inside......


He was hoping that you'll find someone else, like a boyfriend, to do the work of treating you right while he was away. He wants a great guy to take your attention away from him so he doesn't have to do the work of facing you and talking to you. He only wants to have his cake and eat it too. He sees you as a toy to play with, and like a little boy, he gets possessive of his toy, but that doesn't mean he'll take good care of it.


Of course he's going to make it sound like he still wants you in case he wants to use you for sex again. Don't believe his sweet talks. He's letting you know that you should move on because you can do better.

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