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Love at first sight -- do you believe it?

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Mine is ..Love at first talk? chat?


When I saw her, I didn't fal lin love with her, but once I starting to her, men we were so connectd and from there it went al lthe way, ..strangelt when I saw here first time, I wasn't attracted to her, but after day, my feelings for grew, and when she broke off with me, she was the mpost beautiful and hottest girl ever!!

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I don't believe in love at first sight. How could you love someone you haven't met? Their personality might conflict in every way with yours. It's just instant infatuation. I'm sure many of us have met people we are physically attracted to immediately, but when we get to know them, we lose that attraction because it's not all about what lies on the exterior.

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  • 1 year later...
you cannot possibly love someone until you know them.


And at what point do you "Know" some one, read the bords here you will find many who to late find the love a monster. Many here when the read what this monster has done say, drop them, levie them NOW!, ETC What the are saying is you can not love them for your did not know them.


Also I do not like the idaer of love with "consitions" like its not love until smacks of mind games.


Me I know its real as do so many here have testifide to,


as I have said befor


Try to rule your hart with your mind and you will for ever be at war with your self.


Thows that do post endlessly on this sight trying to reson away feeling.


also see

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Hey Spugly,


Also I do not like the idaer of love with "consitions" like its not love until smacks of mind games.



I have experienced love at first sight. But love at first sight is not a guarantee to perfect love. Could that even be real?


Humans grow up in conditions, patterned behaviours and carry that stuff around, often unaware of it, and as familiar conditions arise, that stuff kicks into gear. I believe that it is living a conditioned, attached love, which is the main culprit leading to the vitality in love to die.


Me I know its real as do so many here have testifide to, as I have said befor Try to rule your hart with your mind and you will for ever be at war with your self.


Thows that do post endlessly on this sight trying to reson away feeling.

I agree. This approach seems very conditional, and controlling in a way harmful to the person doing it. I see emotional feeling, or pain as having a function much the same as physical pain.


You don't deny your thumb hurts once you've whacked it with the hammer, any more than you'd try to reason that your thumb is really a nail.


Indeed, what is the benefit of applying a similar strategy to painful emotional feelings? They need to be seen for what they are, rather than what we think they are in order for healing to take place.

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i believe in love at first site...my only 2 true loves were both love at first site...they were the love that i couldnt live without,and suffered the most when i lost them...i dont believe its a lust thing,as one of mine...was someone i wasnt physically attracted to,but after the first date,...i was a goner...when its love at first site...from day one you cant get enough of this person..and cant get them outta your head...you feel like youve known them forever from the first moment...and when their gone form your life..they will be the ones you will always think about and compare every other partner to...never stop dreaming...i found it twice...!

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Yes and No. Me personally, most definitely yes! I lean more towards "yes, it can happen, but it's often rare.."


Some people are very lucky.


My friend is living proof of love at first sight. She met her hubby when they were both 15. They've been together for 18 years since, married for 11 years. She said they both "knew it" first time they met.


When asked how her marriage is going, her response, "I couldn't be more happier with my life. He is truly one true my bestfriend. We met when we were 15 and have been inseperable since.."

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  • 2 weeks later...

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