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Some advice perhaps ?


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Hi !

During the last school-year, I noticed that a girl in my class often tried to make eye-contact with me. Of course, being as shy as I am, all I could do was sometimes look back at her and blush like a complete idiot... However, towards the end of the year, after reading dozens of posts from other people in my situation receiving the advice to have a little courage and ask the loved person out, I decided to do so myself. Unfortunalty, each time I thought the occasion was perfect, something had to interfere. In the end, since the school-year had ended and I couldn't ask her out, I resigned and thought it was hopeless, since she would probably find a boyfriend during the holidays.

However, now that the new school-year has started, I noticed she re-started giving the same "signals". So my question is whether or not I should take my chance, after all I've read on how it was bad to date someone in the same class as you and all that...and I should notice I'm a complete "immature" for all that, since I never dated a girl before...

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Talk to her! You have a second chance which is something that doesn't happen often. You know how it feels to give up hope and I'm sure it was an unpleasant feeling you don't want to go through again. Just talk to her and try to get to know her. Be her friend and see how things go. If you to like each other ask her to hang out sometime.

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You know how it feels to give up hope and I'm sure it was an unpleasant feeling you don't want to go through again. Just talk to her and try to get to know her. Be her friend and see how things go.


You're both right, I guess I'll start getting closer to her, even if it's kind of hard when you've never really had a chance to have a talk...

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SIF its hard to get a chance to talk, goin to the same school is a veritable gold mine for talking opportunities. I mean cmon its the best environment, itd be much harder if you only saw her on the bus once a week.


1. talk to her in between classes even if your 5 mins late, the advantages outweigh the cons

2. sounds like your in similar classes, so ask her if shed like to come round to your house and do hw together.

3. talk to her about school etc, and gradually build up to the "date".


You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, plus u have motive and opportunity, hell ure a prime suspect, now gogogo, get that gal.

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Actually, we share all our classes together, so I wondered if that was a bad thing , since I've heard so many ppl say that it's "bad" to date someone you see in every class...

But I will try to go and talk to her, now it is gonna be a little hard since she's usually with her (best) friend, and joining the conversation won't be an easy thing...

Well, I don't want to seem cowardish, but it would be a LOT easier on her side to go talk to me since I don't get to see my friends much, being in different classes and all that, so during most free time I'm "availabler" than she is.

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Lol if u think she's gonna make the first move thats cool, but thats a dilly of an assumption, it just sounds like your having the same problems as always, you are too scared of even approaching her (let alone dating) because you fear rejection and the social ripple effect.


Stop using these excuses to conveninetly hide behind and just do it, do it, do it. If you need some crazy arse set up to get your conversation going for your confidence then by all menas scheme away.


The important thing is youve got another opportunity, just like a previous poster said, are you gonna let this opportunity slip by again? Think about what would be worse?


1. Never asking or getting to know her? And thereforeeee never knowing, as a result you spend you life thinking what could have been, a life of regret.


2. You get to know her, she doesnt want to go out with you, or you realise you dont like her after all.


Give me 2 over 1 any day, i too was offered a second chance once, much like you, and as hard as it was i took it and am a better man for it.

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Lol if u think she's gonna make the first move thats cool, but thats a dilly of an assumption[...]


It's true, I'll probably regret it if I don't do something...ah dammit ! I'm such a fool, I had the perfect occasion to start talking today and I was too stupidly petrified to say anything...that'll teach me for being such a *****

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Forget all the love letter things you just have to do it. I'm very shy myself but several times I've gotten into situations where I just think to myself 'fugg it' then just say something before I can stop myself. Then you go from there. The more you think about it before you do it the harder it gets. So just go for it.

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