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safety pins are anything but safe

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well ive come to a conclusion that people are either really sheltered or really stupid. i was in class today, no doubt i was bleeding because i had a safety pin and free time, i did it at lunch, i did between every class, i did it in world history, and i did it in front of the councelor, then im sitting in english, blood running down my arm onto my desk,not much but enough that it was noticeable not one person said anything about it. are these people ignorant?i grab a safety pin go to the bathroom and come back bleeding and they cant put 2 and 2 together to see i was too upset to focus! why does no one understand Self Injury except my one good friend who by the way i am very proud of 90 days no cutting, and she was just like "well if itsd what makes you happy then do it"i just needed to be left alone,


bottom line, What can i do at school when im feeling overstressed?

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just something they told me if you feel that you migth have a break then step away from what you are doing and find a plase where you can clear your head. hey it helps me i have to step away every five minit's thow lol .

becuse i just get the urge to hurt anyone or anything in my path. hope this brings you a littel help



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This reply is turned to i_hate_the_world47,Duderanomi, and under_the_pressure. Do you even know why a person does it? Do you? I don't think you have the right to make assumptions about it. Most people don't do it for attention. If you stand up on a table and make sure you have the attention of everyone in the room and then do it then it's for attention.

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in my opinion...dpressedone89 shouldn't get mad. we all know what its like and we dont wanna hurt you by any means. i understand that you dont want peoples opinion to be that you are just seeking attention but in your post it just kind of sounded like that. none of us should jump to conclusions about anything but thats why in the relplies people asked if you were doing it for attention. we care about you and the last thing we want is for you to hurt even more.

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You know I've been there too, I was just wondering if it was a way of wanting attention. Yes, people are pretty ignorant if they see blood puddling around you and they don't say anything. That's just flippin' retarted...I hope you get better. You know I'm always here to talk.


I'm apologize about what I said about it being a cry for attention, I was just wondering.




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ok , i_hate_the_world_47 , its not your place to say that pippen and i cant be upset over the replies. your reply had nothing to do with my question and also indicated that you thought i was cutting for attention and all pippen did was stand up for her friend, neither her or i were 'mad'. but yes we do have the right to be upset when you make the assumption that it is for attention and make your oppinion known while ignoring the question i asked being what can i do when i get upset at school besides cut? and under, dont even worry about it i still luv ya and dont be sorry, so if anyone can answer my question it would be lovely

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^_^ when you see this thread from an outside point of view it's kinda sweet ... you're all just standing up for eachother ...

Anyway ... yeah, I know what your talking about, and it is ridiculous. I've played with knives and pins and stuff before in school, when I was in that mood where your just so depressed you don't care if people know ... and looking back, I realize it would have been seen as a girl sitting in a corner with blood on her hands for anyone who looked. But they didn't. Then again, perhaps they did notice, and felt it wasn't their place to intervene.

As for wat else you can do, short of cutting ... I take a hairband and snap the metal part against my wrist, that can sometimes help.

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