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it depends, as time goes by it will be easier to be just friends as the emotions will most likely die down.


If it becomes a fatal attraction, then the one will move forward and the other will cling to the past. Look out... You are entering uncharted territory.


Honestly it depends upon the self esteem of the two people involved. High self esteem normally will get over the relationship in a few weeks, Low self esteem, probably 6 mos to a year....

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i know that even though im young, itsh appened to me before and tis been hard...especially when the other person doesnt have the same feelings that you have...but you eventually have to get over it so you might as well find a way how. i feel that if the other person doesnt have the same feelings its better to let it go cuz it could ruin the friendship

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I also think that it depends on how well a person can control their feelings. If they try to remain friends and one of them confesses their undying love for the other on every occasion it will obviously be very awkward, but if they can learn to supress themselves when around him/her than it shouldn't be too bad. In my opinion, if they really love the person they will at least make an effort to rebuild a friendship rather than kick them out of their life altogether.

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i'm actually going through something similar to your situation and to tell you the truth the decisions i've made have come directly from my heart. All i can say is that it all depends on how far you've fallen for this person, and i know its much eaisier said then done but after two months of on and off pursuing the "prince in my dreams" or so i thought, i , somewhere along the way realized how much this guy was truly there for me as a friend and how it wasn't worth losing him by being immature and braty...analizing every move he made to calculate if it had sumthing to do with liking me... i love this guy he means alot to me but i'm not in love with him... he's sweet but i had to realize that all we are ever gonna be is friends, and most days i think i made the best choice i could have b/c he's my best friend and i've learned alot from him.... sometimes you just gotta let go...

i hope i helped

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Ok, this may sound wrong to you all but my highschool teacher was a firm believer in this and ultimately so where many of his students, he said that no two people are ever "just friends" without one or both being attracted to the other... there is always one friend who would like there to be more in the relationship or could see themselves with that person. I had always thought he was wrong until my best friend for my whole life, told me that he had always loved me and couldn't take it anymore, he had to tell me... what do you guys think?

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