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attraction without attraction???


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I was just curious about this....... Ive noticed that some people seem to get attracted to others but can't really understand why. This is recently happening to me thats why I was really just wondering. I dont really understand why I am so majorly attracted to her, and supposedly (not completely sure) she is attracted to me too but doesnt know why. can anyone explain this to me please?

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if we could know who attraction happens and what are the reasons beyond that then we will ba having the MAGICAL ATTRACTION MEDICIN !


i mean that is something happens and no need to know why ! all what u need to know it is there !


i think it would be better for u to get busy with thinking if u really want to be with her and enjoy it !

good luck !

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I've heard it's based on our immune systems - we can somehow smell someone's disease history and we're attracted to folks who have survived diseases we haven't had becuase there's a better chance of our kids being able to fight off more pathogens. I guess that would explain mutual attraction. Who knows.


And AwsomeDude, apparently there is magical attraction medicine. It's called "Synthesized and/or Purified Pheromones."

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i think its theres a scientific theory that says people are attracted to those of the opposite sex who look similar to them... similar features, skin color, hair color, etc. This isn't always true, but does this girl look like you or have similar mannerisms now that you think of it? idk, just a guess

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