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I would like some opinions on this one. My FWBs recently sent me a picture of his private area. We have not talked about becoming anything more, so I'm wondering what was this about. As far as I know, usually fwbs don't do this. Am I right or wrong? If I am right than what does this mean? I know that there has to be a lot of trust for him to do that and I have talked to a couple of my friends about this and they are thinking that he may want to move us to a different statis,(ie bf/gf). I'm not sure. guys can you please give me your opinion on this. Would you send pix like this to your fwb or does there have to me more feelings there on your part?



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He is a Friend with Benefits, so I am pretty sure he can approach sex with her since that is what they do anyway!



Original poster: Who knows. Maybe he wanted to "kick" things up in the bedroom and be a bit spicy. Maybe he has a different idea of what this relationship is? Have you talked about it?

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I have never had a fwb before, this is my first and it kind of came by accident. Anyway, the reason I'm confused is because he has told me he loves me, the first time he told me this, I asked him and he just kind of meant in a friend way, but that was before our "relationship" took the turn that it did. He told me he loves me a few weeks ago and he has been a little more "attentive" toward me and plus one of our mutual friends told him that they were going to set me up with someone and he got "flustered" and was just rambling on about the topic.


And yeah, he is not shy about when he wants us to hook up, which really isn't all that often.

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can i ask u what is FWB ?


Friends with benefits - you are friends, but there are occasional intimate perks.


libra - well, I think the only way feelings can get deeper is by getting to know them more, out of the just intimate relationship as well. Maybe, invite him out on an actual date or two, and see how things go!?!?


You never know

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As another poster said, I see nothing in his sending the pictures that suggest anything other than your relationship as it is. Being a friend with benefits is all about sexual activity, and sending someone pictures of your 'private parts' is all about sexual activity. I don't see it as him trying to 'further the relationship'. It may not generally be a thing that's done, but it's obviously something he wanted to do. Maybe he's hoping you'll reciprocate, so he'll have something to look at when he's alone...

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