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Saw my ex last night!! ...need advice/suggestions

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Hi everyone!


Ok, so I saw Dan again last night. He saw me online yesterday morning and im'd me. He asked how I was and I said alright and that I'm dealing. He said he keeps thinking about me and hates how we left things when we saw eachother last week. In case you don't know the story here's a brief recap...


He broke up with me a month ago because I told him a bunch of lies about myself to look better. I wore a necklace from a previous ex, no sentimental value, I just liked the way it looked, and I told him it was from my parents. He always suspected but I never came clean. He asked me so many times and I lied to his face. Anyway the truth came out and it snowballed into a break up. He felt and still feels incredibly betrayed. We were so in love, it was so intense and emotional.


Anyway, we've seen each other once since the breakup (until yesterday) and it didn't go so well. He was so angry and devastated that I would lie to him. He wanted to marry me, etcetera and he felt that he couldn't trust me now. We left each other on undecided terms.


So that brings us to yesterday. In the midst of our im session, he called me and we started talking. He said he wanted to see me so I went last night. We got there and it was abit awkward but for the most part everything was normal. We missed each other so much. He told me I looked amazing and we held each other. He asked me why I lied and cried with me. He said that he was having a hard time balancing the heart and head. He misses me so much but his head has these rules that he can't see me, we are broken up. By calling he said that he is trying to listen to how he feels. He says there are no rules, he's never felt this way before. We watched TV, layed together in his hammock and talked about old times, the past month, and our feelings. We ended up making love and it was amazing. Waking up with him was incredible.


This morning was a little weird, and we both commented on how quick we fell back into normalcy. He said it was so fast. I told him I know, maybe it was too quick. He said let's take it one step at a time. We kissed and held eachother tight for a long time and as I was leaving I told him that if his heart says that he needs to be with me, then he's not wrong. It doesn't mean that we are forgetting or forgiving what happened. I said, will we talk again? he said ABSOLUTELY!


So what does everyone think? Good/bad, etcetera? Should I do anything? I appreciate the comments.




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Proceed with caution. You don't want to fall into the same routine. If you truly want him back, you must be honest with him- His distrust for you wasn't completely wiped clean, remember. Right now you're in what I like to call 'the honeymoon stage'-- where everything seems so perfect and blissful because you love eachother still, and are extremely comfortable.


If he agrees its too fast, it probably is. Right now he's thinking with his emotions, and so are you. You both missed eachother immensely, and after only a month.... The little white lies need to stop, NOW! If you've already come clean with him, think of that as your clean slate.. But don't assume he's stupid and forgot the past.


I truly hope things do work out for you both-- so the key here is communication.

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