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verbal abuse by bf?

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What exactly is verbal abuse? this is my situation...


My bf, of 3 years, is nice to me but sometimes he just gets so different? he has called me f-ing stupid...dumb...idiot. (when he says this it is a yelling voice)..makes me feel unworthy (ie hold my hand) he hardly ever calls me beautiful etc... gets mad when he has to pay so i pay. but he tells me he loves me and misses me.. and when i get the strength to break up with him he comes back 2 weeks later saying hes sorry and it wont happen again...but it does. i have literally cried myself to sleep over this and it causes me so much stress i shake and almost have a breakdown... i dono what to do. i want it to stop! i try seeing new guys but i hate it it never work out with new guys.

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No girl has to put up with this attitude! No ONE needs to put up with this, full stop. He is the one who is a moron and dumb. He is dumb cos he takes you for granted! You are a very loving girl, as far as i can tell... The way he is treating you is unacceptable. I think that he only wants you cos ur there. Sorry hon, but 3 years is a long time, and i think that you might have grown apart.


You said that when you get the courage to break up with him, he comes back and says sorry. WELL OK, thats THEN, from NOW on... Break up with him and that is IT! IT IS OVER! Do not take him back!!!! It is for your own good. SEe, the reason he keeps coming back is cos he knows how great you are. But thats the thing, you are GREAT, TOO GREAT for him!


He has no respect for you, he only wants you when he feels kinky (if u get me) and that is NOT on! Dump him girl and live your life.


As for you dating other guys, i think just stay single for a bit. After a r'ship like that, i think you should just stop and treat yourself. Go out, spend the money on YOURSELF, not that selfish boy!


HONESTLY, i firmly believe that the GUY should pay... (not all the time of course). It should be fair. 50/50! ok maybe 50/40 hehe


Girl, pls don't feel down, i really feel you. But pls just try and listen to me... I hate it when girls cry over stupid guys.


"Anyone who deserves you knows excatly what you're worth". This is a quote i now take, i got it from 'Trueheart', a fellow poster. She is really good at giving advice on r'ships!


Another that i can tell you, and recommend you live by is this:


"First chances are given, second chances EARNED, and third chances DO NOT exist!"


Think girl, your not his part-time girl. There's more to love than now and then.


PEACE! Stay strong lady! Show him you can stand in your own 2 feet!

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Hello guessgirl,


You did the right thing the first time - you dumped him. You just weren't strong enough to stay away when he came crawling back. Its okay. Maybe next time, after you let go of him, try to force no contact - go hang out with your friends, and try to disappear for a while. Get some support from your family and friends. This will help you let go of him emotionally.


You hit it right on the head - this relationship is not good for your self-esteem, so please, get out of there. Your self-esteem is the single most important thing for a person can have, and if you have a good self esteem, it only helps other people too. I know it is hard, but you have to do it for your own sake.


Good luck and take care.

Kung fu

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i have heard of these kinds of relationships before and in my opinion break it off...you dont need him he only wants you because your there and he can't get any one else to put up with his crap...and you said that you have cried your self to sleep over him and your problem well my mom always told me that no boy is worth your tears but the one who is wont make you cry...




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  • 2 weeks later...

I was involved with a verbablly abusive man with similar characteristics to your boyfriend. He won't hold my hand either, but he does say I love you when his drunk (he called around 2 am).Here is an advice if you know its not going to work out you have to let him go no matter how much you love him. Its for the sake of both you . I was depress letting him go because I love my boyfriend so much, but I just couldn't take it anymore. Please move on....just try...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Break up with him and never look back!


You've got to undertsand that this is a red flag for an abusive relationship and you've got all the ingrediants.


It is a viscious cycle. They do it. You are hurt. They say they're sorry, it'll never happen again. For a time things are good. but then... they do it again. you are hurt. sorry. never happen again. etc etc etc...


He will not change until he seeks help himself. That is not your responsibility however. Just get yourself out.



You deserve better!!


I know this sounds cheesy but sometimes it helps to say it in the mirror to yourself 4 or 5 times.


PLEASE get yourself out. It's only a matter of time before it becomes worse or even physical.

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He says he loves you when he's drunk... awesome... Maybee if you get him drunk enough he will get married to you. Take him to a bar everynight for the rest of his life and maybee he will be able to stand being with you. MY GOD.... AM I THE ONLY SANE PERSON LEFT IN THE WORLD!! Im sorry but it seems like this is all I see anymore, horrible abusive guys getting nice caring girls that deserve better. But the girl stays with him, for some unknown morbid reason. Oh well, females are as mysterious as the universe. Peace

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