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how to deal?

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I worked at a summer camp all summer, and it being a boy scout camp , i was warned numerous times about guys being constantly after me. I went up to work with the intention of not getting involved with anyone or anything, but for some odd reason it didn't turn out that way. I will admit, i am only 17, and should have no idea what love is yet. But the guy i meet was completely amazing. I have had past expiriences that cause me to not easily trust people, so when we first dated, i wouldn't even let him put an arm around me. he didn't understand why, but he waited. No matter what i didn't allow him to do, he waited. I am not the prettiest thing on this planet, so i was haveing trouble comprehending why he was even interested in me. When i asked him, his reasons were unbeleivable...everything i ever wanted. We spent the summer together, but at the end, me moved about 3 and a half hours away from me. There are some nights i cry myself to sleep because i miss him so much. Talking on the phone and internet isn't enough. I even get teary eyed when i hear his voice on the phone!! i want to believe my actions are ridiculous, but it feels right. My fear is that it is just another silly teenage relaionship, and i hope its not. is there good enough reason to put up with this distance? is something that i think is love a good enough to be miserable every day i don't get to see him?

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I know that long distance relationships are super hard. I am in one right now too. I think that what helps for me while my bf is miles away is to stay busy. i have started reading a lot and spending time with my girlfriends more. I write my bf a lot too when i can't talk to him because i also feel like talking on the phone and instant messaging aren't enough. With time it'll get easier. I know that it's way easier said than done, but trust me and before you know it, it'll be time for you to be together again.

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its really hard, i dont think ive had anything this difficult come accross me. im 14 hours from the guy i am so in love with. Im 17 as well, and ive had some teenage relationships that i know were not real, and that meant very little to me when i look back. this guy, he is truley different, he is everything ive ever wanted in a guy, hes just so perfect for me.

i believe even though beinig miserable, which i sure am right now, even though i just flew there for the weekend and got back last night. I have been miserable since i left him yesterday. i dont want to do a thinig, im just so upset. Itst worth it when u can see him, and its worth talking to him on the phone and everything else.

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