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I am having a hard time getting into school this semester

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Right here! I end up doing last minute and trying to shove everything. I been overly stressed this semester too though. Still no excuses. I'm going to fall behind if I don't somehow find a way to force myself to work on my school work. I did find going to a coffee shop though helps concentrate a bit, being at home is making me useless.

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Yeah, I find the beginning of the school year tough. It's just such a shock to the system after a long and blissful summer! I actually think this is fairly common. I'm a teacher now, and all of my colleagues agree that the beginning of the year has hit them like a ton of bricks, and that at time it's been hard to get in the groove.


I find it helps to:

- find a place to study that suits your style. Some people like total silence - I am more the coffee shop or group of friends type. I need some noise and distraction, if it's too quiet my mind wanders a lot more

- space out your study hours throughout the week. Don't tell yourself you'll spend the whole day saturday working.

- if you have "free periods" during the day, between classes, buckle down and get work done then. You're already in study mode, it's short time periods so it can be easier to get yourself to really focus for just 45 minutes or whatever. If you can get work out of the way during the day it really helps. You'll be bringing home a much smaller and more manageable load instead of a mountain of work.

- plan fun things in your week that you can look forward to, so you don't feel like you're chained to your studies.

- some people say to get the hardest things out of the way first. I've always found I like to start with the easy stuff, it gets me feeling good about myself and helps me get in the zone and on a roll

- find a study group if applicable, holds you accountable to others and can be more fun and motivating

- watch your sleeping habits, diet, exercise

- perhaps get to know your teachers. I'm more motivated when I know and like the teacher, and know he knows who I am - I want to impress him and don't want to disappoint him

- remind yourself why it's important to study, what your goals are, why you DO care, why you want to make yourself do it. And remind yourself how short the semester is. Even though it might be no fun, you have a break in around 2 months I assume (thanksgiving). 2 months is SO short.

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I go through this at some point every semester. In the end, everything always gets done and then I get to look back on the time when I was stressed and feeling guilty for not getting anything done. It will pass. Make sure that you do your work but try to take lots of breaks. Do something fun or relaxing. Listen to music. Change your study scenery.

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Do you like your classes? Or are you stuck doing a lot of core this term?


If it's not too late, maybe switch one to something more "fun"? Might make the rest of the class load not look so bad.


Well, I am enjoying one class. lol Well ok, kind of two. Honestly though, my one class (diversity) is motivating me. I know as annoying and everything that school can be, it could be MUCH WORSE. We have been talking about people who live on minimum wage for a living and it is just scary. And REALLY motivating to stay in school and try as hard as you can to succeed. Because as bad as classes can be (especially math, which I am so struggling with) it is MUCH better than being forced to live almost poor. That class humbles me and makes me see how lucky I am to be in college and able to have that opportunity for a future outside of minimum wage.

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Well, I am enjoying one class. lol Well ok, kind of two. Honestly though, my one class (diversity) is motivating me. I know as annoying and everything that school can be, it could be MUCH WORSE. We have been talking about people who live on minimum wage for a living and it is just scary. And REALLY motivating to stay in school and try as hard as you can to succeed. Because as bad as classes can be (especially math, which I am so struggling with) it is MUCH better than being forced to live almost poor. That class humbles me and makes me see how lucky I am to be in college and able to have that opportunity for a future outside of minimum wage.


Dang. Sounds like you found some powerful motivation.


The guy who made that movie about eating McDonald's for a month had a TV show a few years ago in which he lived the life of different minimum wage people for a month. It really was pretty enlightening for those who can't relate to the daily struggle and certainly works as a "scared straight" kind of motivator to push yourself.

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Dang. Sounds like you found some powerful motivation.


The guy who made that movie about eating McDonald's for a month had a TV show a few years ago in which he lived the life of different minimum wage people for a month. It really was pretty enlightening for those who can't relate to the daily struggle and certainly works as a "scared straight" kind of motivator to push yourself.


That is the movie we watched, actually! The 30 Days. crazy stuff. And I dont care what he says, I understand his fiance getting upset over spending that money. It's sad, but I do.

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