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I might not be straight. Can't decide.

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Lately i've been thinking about the possibility that I might not be straight. I've experemented by masturbating to pictures of naked men, and pictures of naked women. I noticed the men excited me more. Ever since i can remember, i've had crushes on girls, and never on guys. I get fuzzy feelings when a girl says she likes me or something to that effect, and i've never had any relationship type feelings about a guy. I've just noticed that photos of penises turn me on.

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There's a big difference between being aroused by a man, and loving them. If you've never had feelings for a guy, then I would seriously doubt that you are gay. It wholly depends on your definition of "gay". I could never have a loving relationship with other man, so I don't consider myself gay. You need to ask yourself that.



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Yea, I think it depends on your definition of gay, if you want to define your sexuality. You could be straight, but just very sensual and respond to most things sexual. You could just not define your sexuality at all just be with or look at whoever or whatever you want. I think its possible you just have a penis fetish, and it's unfortunate for you that penises are attached to men and not women. Good luck.

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I think it would help if i knew how a positively gay man looks at men.


Well a positively gay man looks at men like a straight man looks at women. Some want just sex, and some want relationships. There's is no rubric or guidelines for being homosexual. It's all a matter of personal choices and definitions. And for the person who told you to get those thoughts out of your head doesn't realize that you can't help it and they may go away on their own or they may never go away. Don't worry so much about putting yourself into a category, just give it time and you'll see where you stand soon enough.

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Well the thing is, I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I'm always afraid of things. I used to be deathly afraid of thunder storms, and I would be scared out of my mind when there was one. I also used to have a fear of aliens destroying the world. My mind goes wild and i convince myself that that kind of stuff is real and that i'm not over exaggerating. I'm wondering if thats what's happening here and i'm making too big of a deal out of it. I'm not sure if its the sex or the penis, because you can't think about sex without seeing a penis.


I may also just be in denial. But I hope so badly that i'm not gay.

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Ok. This is hard to explain. But i'm also thinking that reverse psychology type deal has been happening in my head. Say you're trying not to think about the color red, but you're trying so hard not to, that you do. I think that i'm trying so hard not to be gay that i'm actually convincing myself that a straight man wouldn't have to try this hard not to think of gay thoughts, and that i'm gay.

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Sometimes it seems that i try to piss myself off, subliminaly, if that makes sense.



Sometimes it seems like my life is so perfect that something must be wrong, so i start to think of a reason why its not so great, then i can't stop think about whether or not that it's true.

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well i think you are making a big deal out of it in certain ways. I mean what if you turn out to be gay. What will you do about it? Only TIME will tell. Worrying about it will not do you any good what so ever. I believe you when you say you are OCD because you have become fixated on this one this and you seem to refuse to look at the bigger picture. Try your hardest not to put a label on yourself. Labels come with some much baggage they you are probably pinning every negative gay sterotype on yourself. Don't do it. Just ride out this time and see where things go. If you turn out to be gay, be cool with it; if you turn out to be straight, be cool with that too. But whatever you do, stop obssessing over it. That's not going to help you at all.

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Well, I just dont know. Do you want to have sex with a guy or what ???


If the answer is yes, then maybe you are gay. If the answer is yes and you do it and enjoy it then the answer is yes without a doubt you are.


If the answer is no, or you do it and don't enjoy it then you know you are not.


So there you go, taste and see !!!

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I would not recommend that you go out and "taste" anything just now. Bear in mind that just about everyone goes through a series of "preferences" while sorting out sexual feelings. Basically you shouldn't be worrying about whether you are gay or not, and concentrate on forming relationships with friends.


Sex and sexual relationhips will be upon you soon enough without hurrying to form them Just relax and know that what you are experiencing is normal.

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There is nothing wrong with curiosity. It is normal to be curious about a lot of things.


What you do with your curiosity is what matters. If something makes you feel bad (or good), try and figure out why. But bear in mind that if you decide to explore sexual feelings with another person, you will then be involving them in your life in a very big way. Be sure to decide if that is what you want before you do anything that will involve you with someone else.


You may also have a counselor or professional that you can talk to about the feelings you have. It also helps if you can talk to trusted friends. But be sure that they are completely trustworthy before discussing anything you may want to remain private.

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Yesterday, i went to a party. There was a band playing. It was at someone's house and everyone was jumping around. I noticed that whenever a girl rubbed up against me, i got aroused very easily. I payed no attention to when a man were to accidentally rub against me. I've always been aroused very easily by such things as when women give me hugs, hold my hand, or play with my hair, but still, when i am "pleasuring myself" i find that it takes too long to finish it when looking at naked femals, so i often resort to looking at a picture of a naked male. I am so confused.

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dude take pictures of ur penus and masterbate to that see if that does anything.


try looking at more pictures with chicks in them and drop the guy pictures and try looking more into softcore pictures jus with nude chicks in them posing or with nude chicks playing with them selfs or lesbian pictures accualy better yet move to videos look at lesbian movies.


forget that guys even exist 8)



good luck m8

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What? that is not helpful.

My boyfriend had just split up with me after 3 years of lying to himself because he is gay. I would say that if someone comes along who you like go for it - male or female and just be honest with them and yourself.

I'm bi-sexual and made that clear from the start.

It really is the person inside who matters - you don't have to 'be' anything. Just yourself.

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m8 none taken i know i could never be gay its not in me i wasnt raised that way plus i would never want to discrase my family. being gay means loosing ALOT of things in your life like who u really are, your family some of your friends, in my opinion dont be gay talk to some one like ur parents if u tell them that u think u might be gay but u dont want to be gay im sure they will understand and help u. unless your parents arnt that kind of people no offence i dont know ur parents but if there nice im sure they will do everthing they can, if u cant talk to you parents bout it talk to your bro or sis if you have any. or some one you can really depend on and trust


good luck m8

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im sure they will understand and help u. unless your parents arnt that kind of people no offence i dont know ur parents but if there nice im sure they will do everthing they can, if u cant talk to you parents bout it talk to your bro or sis if you have any. or some one you can really depend on and trust


Now that bit makes sense - the first bit doesn't.

There is nothing wrong with being gay.

It is scary when you're struggling with who you are, sexually of otherwise, and I'm sure you just want to be like everyone else - it's just that if you think about it 'everyone else' is made up of a lot of gay people too, and at your age an awful lot of them don't know quite what they are either.

If there is anyone you can talk to then go for it. If not, I would recommend calling a lesbian/gay/bi helpline - they have all been through it and can help you to feel more comfortable and secure in yourself.

Take care and don't push yourself too hard Kathryn*

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