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Is she into me? Or just generally being nice?


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So a new girl has started working at the place I work.

I introduced myself and she started asking about me and what I do, which led to me mentioning my music and band. She became interested and how she would love to come check us out sometime. She started mentioning friends she knew that could sing and asked me how old I was as well. (19 going on 20 in few months shes 23) She asked what I played which led to her going on about the guitar and how she loves it(yet she doesnt play any instruments i found out). Had my hair cut and she came over started talking while just looking at me smiling, once done for her to say I looked rather smart.


So few days later I come to work and shes the first person that I see only for me to catch her eye me up and down briefly and say hello with a smile. Later on I find my dad going through my facebook pictures while talking to her(my dad owns the shop) she then said I looked like a model in some of the pictures. I was taken back as I'm not, there just band photos. My dad eventually came to a picture of me and my ex and mentioned it was my ex, then another picture of me and a girl she asked is that your girlfriend, told her she wasnt but just a friend(the picture looks like a couples picture tbh now looking at it lol and the friend is rather attractive)Few days after that I was getting some food from a local shop and she appeared out of no where, but I was in a hurry myself so only had time to say Hi and how are you but she still had that lovely smile on her face.


Now today I went into work, and went by the usual day. She comes in around half way through the day onwards but little talk she was busy alot which is understandable. I was about to go out for my lunch to pick some food up to bring it back and she said O i'll come with you if you are, when I was about to go she then asked me if I could get her something, think she stayed behind as the shop was starting to get clients, not sure.

Came back and had a small chat with her about little things, brothers and sisters etc, me eating healthily lol and what I wanted to do with my life besides this job. Was just brief chit chat and she went off the moment she was finished, I did feel a bit gutted haha.


She carried on working, then I had to help out and wash one of her clients hair while she did something else(Work in a hair salon)did it and her asked a simple question of what she wanted me to use and she reacted oddly but still jokingly, "oooo never had you ask me that before" and she gave this rather funny yet kinda sexy smile as she looked at me to another worker and back to me, never seen this smile before. Day went on closer for me to finish, she then just randomly out of no where started playing with my hair, asking me what I would do if she messed it up or did something to it, nothing I told her and she just messed around for a few seconds, got talking again briefly and speaking about my evening course and driving etc. Eventually was time for me to leave she had another 2 hours left, so said my goodbyes to get the same smile which I see quite a bit and a goodbye.


This smile I mention its held for a while and she does keep looking at me for a while, as well occasionally I catch her look at me but not smiling may just be me overthinking its something.

Not sure what to make of this as ive only seen her around 4-5 times now today being the first full day around her. Is she just really nice or may she be slightly interested I heard shes even on dating sites. Part of me thinks she is interested, part of me thinks shes just a nice person but isnt interested. Any opinions or advice would be great Thank you

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catch her eye me up and down briefly and say hello with a smile.


Usually when guys like girls they analyze all their moves. This could mean something or it doesn't. The key is not caring. Be as though girls do that to you all the time. Then it won't seem like "Oh wow! I'm getting attention from a girl! Gee! This never happens!"


GREAT move that she saw you with other girls in a picture. This shows you have value and makes you look good. That may have boosted some interest in her (competition)


Hm... girls usually never physically touch guys they aren't attracted to when they are first meeting. Plus, she seems to be happy to see you. I'd say she does like you. There's a chance she's REALLY flirty so just keep being cool and see how it plays out

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Yeah, she may be interested or not.... sometimes if a girl touches you in a friendly... don't think too much of it, it could just be a friendly/flirty thing..


But she seems interested in you.. maybe ask her to go for a drink after work...but definitately keep flirting. Maybe ask her if she seeing anyone...

But you know what is quite cute (along the same line of asking her out for a drink) make/buy her a cupcake and put a note on it: saying would you like to join me for a drink soon? From.......


See how that works

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Thanks for the replys so far, never thought about the pictures that way haha I think i'll play it cool for now just to get to know her a bit more maybe a week or 2 then ask her out to lunch or dinner, just want to get a bit more ground to stand on that tells me in myself ye she is in to you, just a bit more as im still slightly unsure. Thanks so far though ill keep this up to date with what happens today at work

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Update of today, so I got into work and found out that yesterday I was facebook raped stupidly in a hurry to leave I left myself logged on facebook. Another girl I work with told me she sat there and said how she spotted I was logged in, mentioned it and instantly this girl im interested in got onto my facebook to frape me. The status was "I love all the girls at work especially" and she used her name and the other girl that noticed me still logged in, in the status. So when this girl came in I started having a bit of a fun saying well done on the status your the first person to do it to me, and she then asked if i liked while smiling laughing about it.


So day went on and it was odd again she was quiet towards me but i could see her looking at me occasionally again, later she was at a computer and me about a metre away she then turned to another worker and said shall I message that guy(ye i felt really gutted)the other worker said YEAH!(but I didnt react) so she went loading up facebook and some other site I could see out the corner of my eye then to notice she turned her head around and looked at me almost to see if I was looking, another guy came over and she just went off as he asked what she was doing and she said nothing.

Day went on some more and I got asked about my hair and I just said as a joke about some stupid hair style I should have, this girl instantly jumped at me with a comb, saying let me do it please so I let her for some fun and she was right in my face, then she went behind me to carry on eventually once she was done she grabbed me almost like she was hugging me from behind I could feel her grip, it wasnt light but just like a hug, she said to everyone lets tie him up so he cant change it I laughed but most people were oblivious almost. She let go and I could see that smile again. Again later she was sitting out side the shop opposite with a worker and occasionally looking out I saw her looking at me.


I really dunno what to make of this girl at times I get this sense of interest others I get a sense of no interest. Things like that grab from behind and having fun make me think positive while the quiet side makes me think differently.

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