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I'm told im attractive now what? I'm so shy!!!! PLEASE HELP

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Most of my life i've been told i'm unattractive and so i still believe it. Though i now keep in shape ,by playing sports, and friends and even people i've just met ( all girls) often tell me im pretty i just have ingraved in my head that i'm unattractive and ugly. As ive said in one of my other posts, while at the mall or something guys often look at me but hardly ever talk to me. The combination of these to things make me wonder if i really am attractive and stop me from approaching guys because i think they will think im ugly. i meen if guys thought i was attractive they would come and talk to me right? so why dont they why do they just look. i often get comments from guys ( and by the way guys dont do that its freaky,lol) but they dont come and talk to me.


The fact that people are telling me im pretty but having no guys talk to me is really confusing me about where i really am attractive. i meen i dont think i look all that bad but if that was true guys would come and talk to me, right?

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you dont have to be attractive for guys to come and talk to you. its only that the confident guys would come and talk to you, the less confident ones would be way to shy.

(id know im one of them)


keeping in shape is good. good for self confidence and good for ur body too. if you think your unatractive then u will see yourself like that forever, break out of that or you will never be happy.


im shy too. just dont let that control you, be happy and ppl will come and talk to you. if ppl are telling you that ur pretty then u r. take it as a compliment and believe it.


be happy, be independent and most of all just be urself

it will all work out in the end .. if it hasnt worked out then its not the end

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Mr sad is right. You won't get loads of guys coming over to talk to you because you're pretty. We're shy too and it takes courage to do so...


And don't worry. I've had a few people say I'm good looking, yet I've never had a girl start a conversation with me in real life (at least not in that I'm-interested-in-you way...).


Take it easy, you're 14 and you've got time.

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You're seeing to much into this. It requires a lot of courage for a guy to go talk to a stranger female. I don't really have trouble getting along with women. However, I still find that it requires an effort to talk to someone I don't know.


In fact, the fact that you're pretty might actually make things even harder! There are so women out there so pretty men are afraid to talk to them, because they don't they they're good enough.



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if u think ur pretty...ur pretty. if u think ur stunning...ur full of urself lol.


i hope my 'advice' can help u a little...but if not...then i'm sorry.


seriously now...if ur told ur pretty by loads of ppl...then u r obviously attractive.


and if loads of guys check u out...but fail to talk to u then they r most likely scared of getting shot down or r just being guys.


and like omegaman said...it takes a lot of courage for a guy to approach a girl...the prettier they r the more likely their taken or will just reject them.


so to conclude...ur good looking...but ur a little insecure...so instead of waiting for guys to approach u...approach them instead.


if u ask them out and they say yes...then good for u and good luck...but if they say no don't worry...everyone gets knocked back at least once in their life...and u will learn from it.

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