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New York in Sept/Oct


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I highly suggust taking a day and walking down by the harbor, near the financial district. L and I did this when we went to NY in June 20110 and it was by far the best day of our trip. It was just a casual walk, we went by the WTC site, we had lunch by the harbor.. if you need a down day, I suggust that.


Also, look into the River Line Cruise. It's this boat that goes around NY. You can either do the 2 hour or 3 hour trip - I suggust the 3 hour. I had no idea there was that much green in NY. I can't remember what we paid for our tickets. Oh! Also, if you are wanting to hit a bunch of the major sites - like the Empire State Building, Rockefeller, etc - get a CityPass. You can order it from there (L did) and pick it up at the first location you go to. Saved us a TON of money.

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I'm not in NY but I live in NE and I am not far from the coast. I would plan for jeans, T's and sweaters maybe a light jacket. Or what ever your equivalent of those items are. Unless you get lucky with some sort of Indian Summer it will be cool and comfortable. Great timing for your visit. Should you rent a car try driving north for the day to check out the foliage...beautiful in the mountains. Enjoy!

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Yeah, I'm actually having the same problem packing for our beach honeymoon in October. When we went to NY I did not expect it to be as hot as it was - we went beginning of June - and I REALLY should have packed sun block. L and I were lobsters by the end of the week.


Hahahah we have summer too girl.

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