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Bad chat up lines....

if only

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"If I said you had a good body, would you hold it against me?"

"Do you believe in love at first sight or do I have to walk by you again?"

"Just wondering, what would you like for breakfast tomorrow morning?

"Get your coat, you've pulled"


They are all so extremely bad!


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Is it sugar in my eyes, are you just looking sooo sweet?


My dad is a estatebrooker (or what the english word is for a person who sells houses), should we find a house to live in?


They say sex makes u thin, so what would u say to take a half year diet with me ;-)


I have lost my number, can I have yours?


You are so hot that I should be aware of bruning my self on you


If you are christian, then I am the answer to your prayors


Did the sun just arise, or were u smiling to me?


If u think my eyes are beautiful, then it is only due to the fact that they are looking at you!


Did u hurt yourself when u fell down from heaven?`


Does your legs hurt, cuz u have been wandering around in my thoughts all day

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hey can u borrow me a quarter? Why? Oh just so i can call home and say im sleeping at your place tonight ;-)


IS your father a thief? No why?!?!

How did he then steal the stars up in the sky and placed them in your eyes


Laura, Do u want to go home with me tonight? My name is not Laura!!!

That was what I asked you about


Hey is this your 5 bucks? No

Then shouldn't we take a cap home to your place for it?


Do u allow me, or do we have to dance first?

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Oh god there are soooo many.... but they are worth a giggle!!


"You must be great at fishing becoz you caught me hook, line & sinker!"


"If you were a hamburger at McDonalds you'd be called McGorgeous!"


"You bring a new meaning to the word edible.."


"Would you like to try an Australian kiss? Its just like a French kiss but down under?" (and yes that guy DID get a well deserved slap..)


"So what are the chances we can engage in anything more than just a conversation..?"


"How many drinks will it take you to realise that I'm actually a good lookin guy?"


Ha ha ha ha ha ;o)

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Can't remember where I heard this one, if it's already been posted here then forgive me lol


go up to a girl and say: "Would you rather kiss a rabbit between its ears or a donkey's @$$?" if she say a rabbit between the ears then turn out both your pockets and smile (if she says a donkey' @$$ then she probably looks like a donkey's @$$ anyway lol)

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