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Everything posted by MMJA

  1. Can't remember where I heard this one, if it's already been posted here then forgive me lol go up to a girl and say: "Would you rather kiss a rabbit between its ears or a donkey's @$$?" if she say a rabbit between the ears then turn out both your pockets and smile (if she says a donkey' @$$ then she probably looks like a donkey's @$$ anyway lol)
  2. ok what you need to do is to actually go up to her and talk to her, and avoid looking down at your toes or erring and umming. Those things just show that you are not confident and they will be turned off. It also shows that you don't talk to girls often since you are nervous when you are talking to one, that's also a turn off. Approach her like you would approach your mate, and be cheerful and casual. Talk to her about stuff you both do, or something both of you just did (like that test for example). But always remember be casual and act as if you are talking to one of your mates instead of a stranger. Confidence is the key! I wish you luck.
  3. hey man you're not alone, I also have trouble having convosations with girls. well its not so much that it's just whenever I'm around someone I like I always do stupid things, like be clumsy or forget things that were just mentioned. I've tried so many times to become more confident and less clumsy but it seems like the more I try the more clumsy I become. Any of you guys have any tips on how to become less clumsy and more confident? or is it just something you are born with? And also, theres nothing like watching a chick you like hooking up with your mate right in front of you ( even if they are going out )
  4. well I mean thats a start, it all depends what kind of person this chick is, if shes out going or if shes shy. If shes outgoing I suppose it would work if you go and talk to her but if shes shy then maybe you should go in through her friend, after all she will feel more relaxed with you if she knows that one of her friends knows you.
  5. It would be helpful if you know some of her friends, as hanging out in the same group is a great way to approach someone you like and talk to them. If not then it's more difficult, as usually when a stranger randomly talks to a chick they are scared off and don't wana talk. It may vary but thats what I've experienced. Your best bet is either becoming friends with her friends or maybe if you get lucky you can help her out with something. Like say shes having trouble in a subject and you can offer to help her. Well thats just my ideas, may not work but its worth a try Good luck
  6. cheers guys thanks a lot. lol just came back from drinks at a mates house . That chick and my mate were hooking up the whole time lol dont think they will be breaking up any time soon, ah well I'll just wait. and also, what kind of approach do you guys take with chicks? The Mr. Nice Guy approach or the out going kinda approach? Does it vary from girl to girl or do you guys use the same approach for everyone?
  7. ah yep, so basically keep it casual until they break up, and another thing, theres kinda a difference between just going to the movies together and actually going out. I mean if I go to the movies with her once doesn't have to mean that shes my gf. How would I ask her out without using the "You wana go out with me?" line. Of course I'm gona do all this after they break up but I just wana know now thanks
  8. Hey everyone, I have a problem at the moment and just want some help Theres this girl at school thats in 3 of my classes, I've only known her for like 2 weeks since I got moved in one of my classes and ended up sitting next to her. Shes pretty cool and now I started to like her, problem is that shes going out with one of my mates and they've just started going out. Should I just keep it casual until they break up or should I start showing that I'm interested in her? And how would I ask her out? I've heard loads of things about the "You wana go out with me?" line but I duno how to ask out someone any other way. Any help will be cool thanks
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