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Odd question...need an answer though

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Not only does every woman taste different, any one woman is going to taste different throughout the month. Hormones change body chemicals which is going to change the way she smells as well as tastes. Throughout a womans cycle her hormones are constantly changing. thereforeeee the way she tastes will change as well.


I confirmed this with my BF when I asked him if it tasted different throughout the month.


Make sure she has good hygiene (taking a shower with her is excellent foreplay). If she has any infections (she may or may not know about), this will affect the taste as well.

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grins... you make it sound like your fanny is an exquisite foreign fish and if you add just a little too much salt or spices, it changes its taste completely.


anyways, i just wanted to express my disagreement. while its true your lady will taste a little more acidic depending on her menstrual cycle, dont expect it to taste of chocolate one day, then skittles the next... it still tastes of battery acid... although one thing you can apparently do is get her to drink lots and lots of pineapple juice, and this will apparently make her taste a little more sweetened... should do the same for guys too


oh, and i think it also depends on how drunk you are

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well, if oral sex isnt foreplay, and foreplay isn't supposed to be kinky... then i dont see the point of doing it obviously, its not the only or most kinky thing you can do with your partner, but i wouldnt be so nonchalant about it


I think kink is usually defined as outside the mainstream, and oral sex is pretty mainstream if you ask me...



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hm, i always thought it meant something of a particular sexual perversion... according to any church, oral sex is a perversion.


and last time I checked, the mainstream you speak of applies on to a small percentage of the population. The one that tends to think that most people are like them, few people are religious, and most cultures are just as open and accepting of different sexual practices and persuations, to name a few examples.


last time i checked, very few people were like that, even in the united states



but i could be wrong.




oh, and finally, not to be too annoying "coming soon... brand new iSteve Forums!" on your website link removed is spelt wrong ("Coming soon..." etc etc). I know its an annoying thing to point out, but sometimes I'm an obsessive compulsive (one which has been able to conquer his dyslexia). I cant help it...



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obviously other people's bodily fluids are not going to be the most appetising thing in the world. semen doesn't taste too good either you know! the pleasure of performing oral sex (in my fairly limited experience anyway) comes from knowing you're making the other person feel really good... and doesn't that turn you on as well?

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That's my boyfriend's site... lol. And I didn't even know it said that. That's weird, since he's anal (as am I) about grammar and spelling. I'll let him know when he gets back from Italy. I can't believe he spelled it that way!


And I reaaaally mean no offense here (honestly!), but the fact that your church considers oral sex a perversion doesn't make it true. Some religions also believe that homosexuality is a perversion. Does that make it so?


As far as the mainstream, I'm not sure where you're from, but in my world (2004), oral sex is standard practice among most consenting adults. (And for the record, most cultures in the world are more comfortable with sexuality than we are in the U.S.)


None of this is meant to be combative, by the way--just a difference of opinion.



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they taste like battery acid... with slight nuances. its not the most pleasurable experience, i think anyone is weird (different) or lying if they think it tastes great, but something you can get over if you love your girlfriend and want to please her and like being kinky...


also, good hygene is a plus++


ps. Morrissey/the smiths is awesome


wow buddy what type of girls have u been eating out.. im pretty sure its not that nasty.

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My bf says I taste good, lol, he's constantly going down there. Every girl is going to taste differently!


well, either he's not being completely honest because he doesn't want to hurt your feelings... just as it might bug some guys to hear that their cum tastes bad. or he could actually like the taste. My girls friend is constantly giong down on me, and the last thing I want to hear from her is that its gross.


I dont think girls taste any different. This from personal experience and from what friends have told me. But there are some people who like Marmite and some people who are revolted by it. It is the same tastes tho...

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My bf says I taste good, lol, he's constantly going down there. Every girl is going to taste differently!


well, either he's not being completely honest because he doesn't want to hurt your feelings... just as it might bug some guys to hear that their cum tastes bad. or he could actually like the taste. My girls friend is constantly giong down on me, and the last thing I want to hear from her is that its gross.


I dont think girls taste any different. This from personal experience and from what friends have told me. But there are some people who like Marmite and some people who are revolted by it. It is the same tastes tho...


Actually, taste is subjective. Marmite (whatever that is) doesn't actually taste the same to everyone, or else there would be no differing opinions. And that's the same not only for the people tasting a woman, but for how the woman actually tastes.


The things we eat, our personal hygiene (as well as what types of cleansers we use), any medications we're on (vitamins, included), etc. can absolutely affect the way we (male or female) taste.

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