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strong feelings for a girl; need input

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I seem to have gotten out of my hard times, but i'm still having a problem. I can't seem to forget about this girl. (lets call her Amy) We met almost a year ago in class and hit it off. I'm not very experienced but i could tell she liked me. I liked her too, i had a crush on her before we met. She would flirt and we'd talk all the time. Long story short, she turned me down when i asked her out. I still don't know exactly why, but i have some ideas. But even after that, we'd still talk and we got closer than before. I still liked her a lot and didn't know why this was happening.


After a couple of months Amy and i started to fight. It was mainly my fault - i wasn't aware of how i was treating her. I had to do something to let her know why i was being weird, so i told her about my feelings for her. I got a mixed reaction and she never really responded until during a fight we had. She said she used to like me until we had problems, and she's got a boyfriend. I know it was probably wrong to tell her how i feel, but i didn't know what else to do - our friendship was almost over, much less any chance of being together.


After a lot of horrible arguments we made up. Now we're as good as when we first met! It was weird because she started being really nice to me out of nowhere for no reason, calling and writing emails. I still liked her very much so i asked her about being more than friends again. She gave another mixed response and said she "wants to be friends before going out", which i posted about a while ago. She's never mentioned it once since.


Thats where we are now - i'm pretty sure she still has a boyfriend, but she still calls me and writes me. I don't understand that at all! We were never "friends" who do those things all the time so thats unusual of her. I posted this here because i still have really strong feelings for her and i don't know how to deal with that. Its not just a crush for me, i really do care about her and think about her all the time. For some reason she's very important to me and i don't want to let her go. I can't really describe how i feel about her. I'd almost think i love her, but we weren't close on that level. I always have hope that we'll go out. I know i should probably move on but i just can't. I don't know what to think because i always get the impression that she likes me. After everything she still calls me. A while back she would've been happy to have me out of her life for good, and when i finally was she came to me.


I'm fine with being friends, but i'll always want to be more. Amy said we're friends but that doesn't mean a whole lot. I just want to be with her and it drives me crazy not knowing how we really are. I can't seem to get rid of these feelings i have for her and i can't stop thinking about it! I don't know how she feels because i'm affraid to bring it up again. What do i do? What do you think she's up to? I'd really appreciate anyone's adivce. Thanks.

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It sounds like she don't want to be more than very good friends. maybe flirting a bit.

Girls can be confusing.

Some likes to have a very close relationship, but no more than that.

If you can't deal with a friendship like that, maybe you should talk to her again. It might end your friendship, but it will take a loooong time to get rid of your problem if you don't deal with it.

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i feel sorry for you becuase i know how you feel about this girl. i thought this girl i liked felt the same way about me because how she treat me different with other friends, when we became very close to the point where she turned to me during hard times i soon told her how i truly feel about her, i guess i was wrong

girls can be very confusing??

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