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When to meet up?


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I have been chatting to a guy for nearly 5 weeks online and he has not suggested meeting up. I am not going to suggest it, was kind of waiting for him to for him to suggest this. Any advice as to what to do, we get on well, we have both exchanged photos and his reply to mine was "BEAUTIFUL" he messages me everday, but is he interested?

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Five weeks is quite a long time, how many messages have been exchanged during that time?


You don't have to suggest it outright, but why not hint at something you're doing this weekend, perhaps near him. Poke a bit into what he's doing in his free time (ie. what are you doing this weekend?). If you're comfortable, you can always offer your phone number and transition to that before meeting.


If he still doesn't set a face to face appointment then he may never for whatever reason.

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there has been a lot of messages exchanged and we also chatted on msn, we do chat about things that we get up to at the weekends, and during the week, if i go out with my friends he shows an interest if i have got chatting to guys. Sometimes i get confused, is he interested? And of course im sure he is chatting to lots of girls on the site.

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Maybe it's just me but I keep trying to consider 5 weeks as a long time but I just can't do it. Five weeks seems fairly soon in my opinion. It's a month of you talking to a guy online but maybe I think it's too soon simply because it was 2 months of talking to my now boyfriend before we decided to make plans to meet in person.

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Go for it, one way or another.


You could just ask him if he'd like to meet sometime, then discuss from there.


Don't waste time with someone who isn't going to meet eventually.


And don't do what I recently did, and get attached to someone before you meet, then don't get to meet. Mine was 500 miles away, but still.

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Aww no, i am sorry to hear that SVSV, he does not live far from me but i am kind of waiting for him to suggest meeting up. Fed up with men treating me like dirt!


Thanks, I appreciate that. Like my mother used to say, at least it was a learning experience.


But do be careful. I've heard that some people will just e-mail forever.

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