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African mango?

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Keep looking around, you'll probably find an article that says that Elvis is alive and working in a diner in Peoria.


Now, when you find a study that says that mango is a great weight-loss supplement, let us know. I googled it, and found a whole lot of web pages that said "it's a scam" and "no it's not", but no links to any actual studies.

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You want to lose weight? It's not about mango or pineapple. It's about physical exertion + starving for a long period of time. 10 kg (20lbs) in one year is very ambitious but realistic. Bottom line = No starvation = No weight loss. Been there done that.


Starvation will actually make you gain weight over time because you shut down your metabolism and your body will take EVERYTHING you eat and convert it to fat cells. Have about 6 small meals a day and do some cardio and weight training.

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i started an exercise routine today to try to help me with dealing with my break up. i've heard exercise helps depression. i'm hoping that it does and that i can stick to my exercise. i'm not in bad shape at all, but i could improve. i'm not fat, but definitely don't have a body that i could show off in a bikini. i used some light weights today for my arms. what are the best exercises for toning legs, thighs, butt, and stomach?

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I'm biased because I've been a runner all my life, but I seriously think running is the best exercise to tone your legs/butt. Seriously... add some fast-paced running (by adding minute long fast-paced intervals into longer runs) and make sure to do some hill running (which will really work your butt), and you're sure to notice the difference. For abs, I would recommend doing regular ab routines (crunches, leg raises, etc.) but adding some weight (by ankle weights or medicine balls... or I've even used the complete works of Shakespeare ). That's what I usually do.


Also, for weights I usually use whatever I can barely handle for ten reps. You don't really need to worry about bulking up because you are female, and you won't "bulk up" unless you are lifting serious weights four to six times a week while focusing on a muscle building diet. Women just aren't typically built like that.

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wicked, I have asthma, allergies and a deviated septum and I trained myself to run a 15K in about 3-4 months (my way to deal with depression). I started with a test "run". I couldn't even run a lap so I started there.. run 1 lap by the end of the week. Then I added a lap every four days and viola, I can run now. But aside from running I usually do tae bo (cheesy but I like kicking and punching and will do yoga (holy crap does that get you toned without you knowing it) and I'm trying to like pilates now to "lengthen" my muscles and maybe reduce the size of these massive thighs of mine!


Btw, i didn't have to lose weight either. I just wanted to finally get toned and look like I did back in high school but I look better now! I agree with Firiel, running is great because you are working a major muscle group(s) but it's also great to increase your lung capacity and your heart!! Plus you feel cool when you can say you can run 10 miles without stopping!

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