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How do you deal with bumping in to your ex's ??

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Hi Guys


So i leave to go to the USA on monday to do something ive always dreamt about doing. Im going out this evening with all my freinds sort of a good luck leaving doo / night. I know my ex finsh's work herself this afternoon and will more than likley be out with all her friends im worried how i would react if i saw her im not going to go crazy or anything like that i can just imagine that i would have a panic attack and all my emotions for her would flood back . God forbit she be out with another guy that would just cripple me.


When we split i went on NC and asked her not to reply to an email i sent two weeks after so its been a month and ive not seen or heard from her and trying to focus on the fact that although what has happened i still managed to get myself back on track for my trip its been the hardest month ever working 3 jobs just trying to reach my goals. I want it to be a good night but i know ill be constantly looking in every bar we go in and if i was to see id want to leave with everyone right away.


I know when i come back my first day involves going into her work so i have no choice but to see her then and just be as professional as i can be. Not a day has really gone by where i have not thought about her in fact she's on my mind all the time i do miss her but i would not risk getting hurt again not that the chance would ever come. She basically split with me after a weeks break but not before sleeping with me after reasuring me everything was fine between us.


I mean im 28 and she is 32 the way she handled it all was quite selfish so ive taken quite a dent emotionally. How do you guys re act if you ever bump into your ex's ??


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How to handle bumping into your ex's? Well, if you broke up on good terms, say hello, how are you politely, and then just do whatever the social scene demands. If it's someone you had a toxic bad breakup with, you simply nod at them to acknowledge then and then go on about your business. I've had ex's that became a brawl and had to speak with them politely when all I wanted to do was ignore them and walk away. Hope if you see an ex and you're out with people they're not so inquisitive that they ask what's going on between the two of you. In my opinion, that's the real bear to beat!




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