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How do looks effect you girls?

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Ok I'll admit that I'm not extremely attractive, I have however managed to get a girlfriend who is, or at least my friends seem to think so (and myself of course . And we fool around all the time, but I'm always really nervous about taking off my shirt, I'm 5'9" and weigh 170, I do work out a lot and I am pretty muscular, but that layer of goo around my stomach and moobs bothers the hell outta me. So from a woman's point of view, how do you view that kind of thing?

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Well I'd say we're mostly visual beings and so being visually attractive is important. This can mean very different things depending on the person - I can get really excited over someone I've noticed in the pub, when my mate next to me really can't see what all the fuss is about. Somebody could be a sexy body shape, but don't smell right and are thereforeeee unattractive, and vice versa. If you know someone for a little while, sometimes their attractiveness can grow on you even if you didn't initially think 'woah'.... But the thing I can't stand is the old 'women don't care about looks, as long as you're funny/rich/confident your fine' spiel, so if thats what your thinkin, don't. It isn't all about the looks, it isn't purely about the personality, if there's a spark there sometimes you can't even define it. And it's always nice to have some eye candy to look at, and you're not looking for love, well im thinking it's just the same for fems as it is for blokes

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If she is with you then obviously she finds you attractive. Don't fret over it. Take off your shirt and bring her in close for a hug.


Looks do matter and they are one of the things we women notice but it's not the only thing. Most women are not that shallow. I think we look at the whole package. How does he make me feel? Is he funny and intelligent? Witty? a gentleman?


If most women tell you they notice a guy who is confident, smart and funny--you should believe them. You're hearing it right from the horses mouth( so to speak).

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How about fish oil tablets?


Try restricting carbs and eating lean protein 3 to 5 times a day.


What about co Q 10? It will help your body get rid of excess fat and cholesterol.


Maybe your girl and you can go on some long walks and she can encourage you to be healthy. Losing weight isn't just for now, it is for life.

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You have some breast development? Can't you try going to the doctor's office and see if they can give you something to even out your hormones?


Try restricting carbs and eating lean protein 3 to 5 times a day.


What about some exercise to make your shoulders seem bigger and your waist, thus smaller.


Maybe your girl and you can go on some long walks and she can encourage you to get healthy. Losing weight isn't just for now, it is for life.


Cause some people need their bigger physique. My pic is about 6 months old. That's from right after I broke my leg. When I broke my leg, I packed pounds of fat. When I recovered, I added muscle, but never removed any fat. Now I've got big arms, gut, mounds, shoulders, etc. Works for me for hockey, but I'd like to lose the mounds. Diets do jack-all, and there is no real exercise to tone back upper body fat, only to add muscle.

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You know what REALLY works? It can be a bit spendy, but it can be worth it. If you can get a personal trainer- most fitness clubs have programs, and some community college Phys. Ed. programs make the option available- they can teach you what exercises and diet changes would work best SPECIFICALLY FOR YOU. And you don't even have to stay with a trainer forever! Just long enough to get a good feel for what you need to be doing to achieve your personal goals, and then you can do it on your own. Might be worth a shot!

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Sorry if my words were offensive, I didn't mean it if it came out that way, I was really only trying to understand the situation. Maybe I waded out into it too far, I apologize if I was in err.


I have recently lost about 50 lbs, so I am still wanting to lose more, but I am also pretty happy as I am. My husband has been doing some cycling and that has helped him. i think that the real thinking on this is to look long term and make small changes over time. That way all the small changes in the end turn out to be big changes...the word that I saw that confused me was "moob" I hadn't heard this term before.

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Moob is a funny word.....you cant say it without getting a little chuckle, "moooob" hehe. Well it's not like I need a bra or anything like a manzier haha, and to be honest I would look kinda funny without em, my chest and ribs kinda stick out a ways. Much like my father I have a barrel shape to my upper body, I guess the best I can try to do is tone it a bit, thanks for all the advice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well I have to be phsyically attracted to someone before being with them. But I became friends with a guy who I didn't think was nice at all. But his personality came through so much that now I think he's one of the hottest guys I've been out with. When I frist slept with him, I couldn't stand his hairy chest but now I love it! I use to think I could never be with a guy i could never think was hot at first but now I just can't get enough of him. And the best thing is my guy is so confident with his body, he'll walk around naked all the time that that makes him so much hotter. I myself though and have had no other guy who does that.

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