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Injured and Demoralized

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Soo this last December I injured my ankle due to a repelling exercise. My command ignored my injury and sent me off to further training and I didn't receive medical treatment up until a little while ago. Physical therapy hasn't helped at all and I had to get a MRI done. The MRI showed that nothing was wrong as did the X-rays. But, my ankle is still in pain to the point I couldn't walk/run a mile if I needed to. The doctor recently told me that if I didn't get better, that I would be separated out by September. I'm just so demoralized from this because I know that I can't get better by then and I can't return back into the civilian world as I love my job. The injury has caused me to almost gain another 20 lbs in just 7 months and caused me to get stretch marks. All due to this stupid ankle injury I'm at risk of losing my job, being over weight, and possibly ruining my relationship with my girlfriend because I'm so stressed about it. I don't really know what I can do or where I can go from here. ](*,)

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Okay, first thing off: does your girlfriend know this and how does she feel about it? Is she understanding about it? If she is, then you don't have to worry about it. Keep focusing on the essential. Same for your weight. It's a matter of circumstance and it'll get back to normal when you will have recovered.


I understand that you love your job (which is...?), but soon or later this is something that is due to happen. The sooner you realize that, the better you live. Because thereafter it becomes a fight against this boundary, and the challenge is easyer to fight when you know you will always have an impact on your life. Wether it's about continuing your dream or finding some work aside from athletism. Be bold. Your own fear is your number one enemy.

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