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So far on my road to healing :)

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Just a small update on me on how im coping and healing and see how others are

She ended it last year in november its now july and well ive probably done 4-5 months worth of NC overall 4 months ago i last spoke to her on the phone stupidly to answer it at 1am!

Since then its been her birthday which i didnt send any text or sign of care towards her yet she sent me 3 the next day! I get a damn message from her near every 1-2 weeks a "hi" or question about something that would involve me and she still doesnt quite get the fact....im not going to talk! I dont know why she keeps this up or why she gets annoyed at times, she left me and got another guy so why should my existence and no contact effect her haha the only thing i realised i should change about what i was doing was last month i realised i was still occasionally looking at her facebook page, ive now stopped this and told myself i have no reason to look and it actually makes me feel slightly better, so ive started my band up as well and now she "likes" us on facebook dont know why but i was scared she was gonna turn up to some of our gigs which i do not want at all.


Anyway so far since the breakup ive gone on a coaster of NC, NC on her birthday, stopped looking at her social site pages, anger towards her messaging me not respecting my choice of NC, scared of her actually turning up to a band gig and ruining my efforts and i suppose alot of down moments but im making progress i feel


Love to hear how others are doing and coping as well or any more advice

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