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Girls help!! I need to know how to get her on a date!

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After I finished work I went to the local bookstore. Within 5 minutes I was in a pretty decent conversation with a girl whom works there. We're basically the same age...and lives within a reasonable range of my house.


I spent an incredible 2 hours in conversation with her. The only reason it even ended was because the store was closing and they had to count the tills.



I do regret not officially setting something else up with her. [ didn't give her my email or phone number =)] tomorrow I'll go to the store again...and leave her my number or even setup a coffee-date; unless , of course, I get a clear understanding why that's not the best way to go about this. I feel a coffe-date is also much more sophisticated than a movie-date or something along those lines; she's just a slight bit older (within months) which i doubt matters inthe slightest but iunno. eNotalone has the geniouses


within a couple days I hope to have at least set up a date or some kind of meeting preliminary to one.


any girls with advice on the subject. she's 18 so if that helps. a girl around her age may understand something that I, and other guys, will most likely not


any help much abliged. I will be able to check this thread after work and before I go to see her....but that's IF i get the window of opportunity.

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Hey, I think that's a great way to ask her out. You're right; a coffee date is more sophisticated than a movie date. You'll also have more of a chance to talk (which could be scary on a first date with someone, but since you've already talked to her and you guys can carry on a conversation for two hours, go for it

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Go for it! If she bothered to talk to you for two hours, she's definitely interested.


And yes, definitely go for the coffee date. I personally hate movie dates unless I've been dating the guy for awhile. The only thing good that comes out of movie dates is snuggling, but of course you have to know the guy well to do that. ~.^ And coffee dates are the perfect kind of dates to lead up to knowing the guy well.

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