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Painful Sex

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Ok I have a question and was wondering if this happens to any other girls or guys if this happens to your gf. I'm 22 and I lost my virginity 2 years ago but I've never really had good sex like when my bf enters it's painful but after awhile it doesn't hurt that much but tends to feel kind of friction like but not in a good way. We've tried different kinds of lube and sometimes it seems like it works and sex can be good doesn't hurt but then it seems like we try the same lube and the next time it hurts again. Also different positions tend to hurt more like doggie style or on the side. I went to a Dr. who said it's probably in my mind and I should just relax but it's kind of hard to do when you're expecting it to hurt. anyways I just wanted to know if anyone knows how to solve this problem bc it's frustrating!

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I had the same problem for a while. It hurt with my husband but the more often we had sex, the easier it became. After I had our kids, it did become a problem. I was just too scared and I had to learn how to relax but its hard when in the back of your mind you think its going to hurt. Foreplay and talking did help me and its getting better each time.

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it being painful when you have sex is probably all in your head and possibly not trusting guys, unless i miss understood u've been with the same guy for two years so i'd surgest putting the sex to the side and either do more foreplay and try oral sex to build up more trust. you could try dirty talk so you can hear what he'll do to you and remind him if you have to, to make it gentle and loving.

If you want to know why its painful if you think back to being a child and your parents thats probably where your answer lays.

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