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Question about Penile Cancer

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well thats the thing i thought about that it could not be cancer because i've had it there as long as i can remember but it does have pain every once in a while, so i was thinking tumor? really i dunt know


answer to your questions:


same color as the skin


no had because its right under the head of my penis


nope doesnt hurt when touched


sometimes its like a sharp pain but then it passes.

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The best advice is to go the doc's . It doesn't matter if it turns out as nothing, it's is always best to know and have peace of mind.


I'm sure it is nothing and a lot of things can appear down there and which are nothing to be worried about, but the best thing ot do is go and see your doctor and just make sure. If you are worried about being embassed about showing yourself then don't be. It is their job anyway and it's best to find out then to worry for ages.

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