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Losing Sleep over a girl ....

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I don't really know how to put this into words ... but i'll try my best to do so.


Recently i got to know this girl from my workplace (A ship) .... I never got to know her until one day .... we happened to stay overnight onboard because we had to work really early the next day. I usually leave my Guitar onboard ship for entertainment purposes. That night, we had a wonderful time together Singing songs at the upper deck.


In the past, I hardly knew her nor noticed her presense. She is just one of the crew onboard our ship, just someone I barely talked to. After that night of Singspiration, our friendship flourished.


Both of us are taking a part time Degree in a Uni. Hence everytime we sailed, we will use our free time to study together. She will always come to me to ask me to change my schedule to align with her's so that we can go on and off watch together. Everytime we were together, there is always something interesting to talk about ... something Funny happening. We will wait for each other during meal times .... meet to cook special delicacies before going on watch .... we basically see each other on and off watch. We talked every night.


I feel really comfortable and happy being with her and I really hope that this friendship can be taken into the next level. But I really don't know what she thinks. Because from what I know, there are others who are close to her too.


And the problem is, One of the Junior person in her department has this major Crash on her. And I believe he has taken action to go after her. Sometimes when we have to work late, she will send him back to his place as they both stay near each other. According to her, he would hang out at her place to watch T.V and stuff. His feelings for her is known throughout the ship.


Knowing her as a Flamboyant, outgoing and sociable person .... she could easily get close to any guys onboard. I really want to tell her how i feel but I'm afraid of rejection. I don't know if she's treating me so well because I am a friend or because she is fond of me as well. She has many suiters, which means that i will either be just one of the guys who likes her, or be "The Guy" who likes her.


Please advice. Thanks! PM more preferable.


Just me

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Remember the old saying: "He who dares, wins."

If you do get rejected then things might be a bit awkward between you for a while, but it will soon be forgotten, and you'll be able to continue your friendship. At least that way you will know for sure. It is better to regret something you have done, than something you haven't. If you don't do it, you will always wonder "what if?"

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She has you rearrange your schedule so she can hang out with you??? That's definatly a sign of interest. Move on it. But next time she asks you to do this tell her "no" and then bust on her for being so needy. It will drive her crazy, then wait till the next day and invite her out for coffee or to a bar for a drink make sure that you to can spend time relatively alone together.



If she says no to coffee, then stop hanging out with her so much on deck, if she says yes have a good time.

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Hey people ... thanks for your advice .... well latest update ....


These few days, we grew closer, we studied together at her place during the day because it was our day off ... we spent 2 whole days together studying and watching TV. We got really close ... close enough for her to question the direction that we were heading. She asked me if I realised that we got too close in too short a time (Less than a month). And I said yes. I asked her if this was a good thing or bad thing. She said she was just commenting. I asked her about a possibility that if we maintain this friendship, we will actually end up together. She said she didn't know ... she didnt have intentions of getting a boyfriend ... but if it really comes neither of us could stop it. I guess this is a good sign right? : )


Just me

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