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Questions for the only children out there

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I have 2 older brothers and a sister, but I never lived with them so i was raised as the only child. When I was smaller my mom would ask me if I wanted a little brother or sister and I would say no cause I liked being the only one there, but now I kind of wished I would have said yes. It might have been fun.


I want at least one..the most two.

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I never really wished I had a sibling growing up... I think I really enjoyed having my parents' attention all to myself haha. Now that I'm older, sometimes I wish I had an older sister to talk to for advice or something, but it's alright since I've always got my friends for that too.


When I'm older, I want to have 1 or 2 kids.. I don't really want to have a big family.. just a cozy tight-knit one like the one I had growing up

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I was happy to be an only child. I would have liked a sibling but only if he/she could have started out at the age of 6, so I wouldn't have to concede all the attention while he/she was a baby.


I don't have any children now and don't want to have children.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I personally am kind of introverted so I probably wouldn't enjoy living with an additional person in my family. Only children get all of a parent's attention.. the good and the bad. Being spoiled is cool, but my mom can also be super controlling and she is always in my business, so it would have been nice to have a sibling to distract her from focusing on me so much. lol!

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