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Urgent! Please help me! this guy i never talked to. thanks

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ok have you ever walked into a classroom on ur 1st day of school and you skim the room to see who is in it? Sure you have. Well while i was skimming my eyes locked with this other guys eyes. That minute i felt as if everthing froze, still. Like it was a childhood memory that happened , but sure sure if it really happened. We been locking eachothers eyes every once in a while during the class. When i come in the room he is always there, he looks at me when i come in as if he is thinking whether he should smile or not. He then mildly blushes and turns away. I guess i am the same way. I want to talk to him, but i iusually can say anything unless he says something 1st. Idk why, im just weird like that. I mean even if he tried to say hi i could probably talk to him, maybe even bring up a convo. Sometimes during lunch sine we have the same lunch period together, i will like reach for something the same time as him. I will seee him searching for a place to sit. Sometimes he is sitting with friends, sometimes just sitting to find somewhere to sit. I want to ask him if he wants to sit with my friends and me, but im just too shy to. Im gonna try to at least make an effort to smile at him when i will in the door. Maybe he will talk to me after i do that. Im just not all sure what to do. BAkc the the beginning again. When i 1st saw him, im not sure exactly what i felt, i just know i never felt that before. What is it?

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This guy sounds sorta like myself...lol.


I've got a couple of suggestions for you


First, I would definitely take the initative and start a conversation with him. This guy's showing interest, but because of personal expirence, I doubt that he's got the confidence to approach you.


Secdonly, I would get to know him, at least a little, before you invite him to sit with you and your friends. If you invite him too suddenly, he may feel intimitated while at the table, knowing none of you.


Hope this helps.


Good luck and keep us updated!

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yeah, thanks for the heads up. i kinda thought well maybe this can be a way to get to kow him, but yeah not knowing everone else would be intimidating i guess. Do you have any other suggestions i have no idea how to even talk to him.Im a shy one myself , until we get talking. may i ask you what your experince was? what happened?

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I also see alot of myself in this guy. I say take the initiative and talk to him. He shows the interest but seems to shy to make a move. Try asking him about something from class. Its an topic that could break the ice and at least get you talking. Then you could just the usually getting to know you questions (where you from, what classes you talking, etc.). Hopefully you'll hit on something that you can talk about (similar interest, a teacher or class you've both had). Good Luck, hope things turn out well.

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Good suggestion Gogol...... I was the same way in my younger years. The hardest thing to overcome sometimes is shyness and what comes with shyness is knowing how to accept rejection.


Being shy u miss out in life alot. We are all human and surely if eyes are locking there is interest from both.


If you are an attractive girl and don't find it hard to meet guys or the type that approach you all the time then YES approach this guy for he is wishing in his mind that you would because he doesn't want you to turn him down if he approaches you first.


Once you establish good communication and he feels comfortable approaching you thereafter then introduce him to your friends. Also talk to him about why he was shy to approach you and build his confidence letting him know that rejection is not always a bad thing. Once we have been able to break the ice in life and realize that just because we may find interest in someone doesn't always mean they will feel the same about us. But if you are both shy then how can u possibly find out if one of you don't make a move for the other!!!

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ok shy soul and skeeter, ya'll have great points and ideas. the thing is that i dont know when to talk to him,im not sure if there is an appriate time i can talk to him but lunch, and that would be kinda oddd. WE could be in line and i could just suddenly start talking to him? Idk, that would actually scare me. IF i was in his place. IF you have any ideas of how i could talk to him like, start a convo on purpose? HAha that reminds me of that movie legally blonde, Bend, and snap. well skeeter, i can tell you my past years i wasn't all that good looking. But all of a sudden i am considered hot. I dk. It strange i think. Give me ideas! Thanks!

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BandNerd......... Talking to someone in the right place at the right time hmmmm there is no such thing.


There is no secrets to hide here. You aren't in a library where you have to be real quiet


Just approach him anywhere and start out by saying hello.... When he responds just tell him you get a feeling he may have interest in getting to know you because of the eye contact you've had with each other. Then if he tries to say something say, "Wait before you answer let me say I'm intereseted in getting to know a little about you. Are you ok with this?" If he responds sure or yes I'd like that. Then set up to meet somewhere, maybe ice cream, diner, donut place...etc.... This sets u both in a better atmosphere where u both will be comfortable..... Hey and if you are tongue twisted or u get nervous just write a little note giving him your phone number and a time to call you letting him know all of what I just said or approach him and set out some humor by saying, If I only had what it takes to say what I want to say right here right now I would but because I am nervous I want to give you a little note to read at your own leisure.


Good Luck!

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I've been stupid and not look at him at all. i guess i am neverous and i fear rejcetion.i really like this guy. i felt something when we locked eyes the 1st time. i know he did too. the way his eyes look. I got moved closer to him in class now. Still nothing though. stupid school.... they are letting go 8 teachers and every1 is going to get their scheduel changed. I am afraid that i wont be in the same class as Jordan anymore. i might get lucky and be in more classes. I feel so stupid for not talking to him. i just have no idea what to talk about. Or just saying hi, when i can talk to him, which is at lunch... i guess it would be like corny. I dont know.i found out the other day one of my good friends is also friends with Jordan and sits with him at lunch. The guy who she likes is my friends and he sits with jordan and her as well. I was thinking maybe we could do eachother favors, but i dont know i really want to talk to this guy i just dont have the courage. Damn, i feel so bad. Damn i am stupid.

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Hi there,

Next time you see him in class looking at you say Hi.


If you are in the lunch time and he looks at you : say Hi.


He might be a little scared of rejection too. Somebody should say hello... why not you? Just don't say anything after that--smile. Let him get he conversation going. He will feel better about it and so will you. After you get these first "hellos" out of the way--see if he keeps looking for ways to talk to you. That is your sign that he is interested.

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yes, i have been trying to say hi, just never could. I mean, i will be talking with him friends, and i can she him looking at me, as if he wants to join in too, but doesknow how... i was gonna join him in hthe convo i was having friday, then the bell rang. Everyone scatttered. mOnday will be the last day i might get to be in his class b/c of scheduel changes, maybe i'll be in more of his classes and i have a better chance of talking to him. We may not even have the same luch period anymore.

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