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Please help me!!!!!!!!!

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I have been in a very serious relationship for 10 months. A boy that Iused to have a huge crush on suddenly started asking me out and stuff. One day when we were alone, I kissed him. I told my boyfriend because one of our promises was to always be honest to each other no matter what. He forgave me and told me that we were going to put it behind us. Then one night when I was sleeping over my friends house, she had her boyfriend there and her brother was there. (Her brother is the boy that I was messing with.) We ended up having sex that night. I was so mad and sad b/c no one stopped me and i was just so caught up in the moment. I told my boyfriend and he broke up with me. He says that he still loves me but he cant be with me right now b/c he dosent trust me anymore. I am so torn and I wish this never happened. Please help me get the love of my life's trust back so we can be happy again. I promise I will never cheat on him again.

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I always told my friends that if you are thinking about other guy when you aer suppose to be in love with the guy you are current with now. then its time for time apart. how can you love someone and think or slept with them. I know things happen but i am sorry i believe you could had said no. Why do you count on other people to have to remember you are with someone?


I think you need some time to think. Which guy you really want? Why put your bf through pain when you aren't even sure.

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am sorry if i was your bf, i would neve be able to get back with you! how can you be mad at no one for stopping you, its your body, your choice, am sorry but i have no sympathy, i bet ya i know what that your ex would be feelin right now. you aint got no one else to blame but your self


sorry for been blunt



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Okay. I'm sorry, but that was just very wrong. I am deeply in love with my boyfriend Conner and I would never ever THINK about touching another guy much less have sex with them. What you are feeling CANNOT be love. It has to be lust for two guys. You need time to think, and your boyfriend is right for not trusting you. Would you trust him if he did the same to you? How would you feel? I know if I did that to Conner, I would never want to live, I would feel like I should die. That just DOES NOT happen when you are in love with a boy. And what about your friend? Don't you have any respect to NOT DO THAT in her house with her brother? You should have asked her premission before putting the moves on him.

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I know exactly what you're going through. When I was 15 I was with my gf who I had liked since i was like 5, lol. And we "went out" (when we were younger it was one of those "i like you you like me..we go out" things then got more serious as we got older) for almost 9 years theeeen I had some family problems and went into depression and started to use drugs and stuff and one day I slept with a friend of my gfs and ended up getting her pregnant. When I relized what happened I broke up with my gf. I don't think cheating has ANY place in a serious relationship. Expecially when it come to sex. I don't think you have a right to try and get back with your ex if you can't even take the blame for what you did. It isn't everyone elses fault for letting you have sex at all. You kissed this guy before right? Why would you let yourself be alone with him if you knew you felt that way about him? If you really wanted that guy you should have left you're boyfriend first. Sorry to sound like a jerk.


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Thanx for everyone's nice and rude remarks but we are going to a counselor and we are in the slow but steady process of getting back together. We talked about it a lot and we realized that we would get back together. im not telling yall wat we said cuz thats none of anyone elses business. I should have never put my business on this site cuz the only person that can really help u is the one you love.


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