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ok well i was going out with this guy named Steven for awhile and he cheated and lied to me so many times. And id always go back with him. Well I just got fed up and dumped him cuz I was sick of his breaking promises and lying. I was so happy I was bein strong. I mean He did so many rotten things to me you wouldnt believe! But I loved him. So this is what I did...I sat down and thought everything through and I called him and broke up with him. I saw him yesterday and he cursed me off. He was bein so immature about everything! I mean it hurts cuz I did everything for him. When I say everything I mean EVERYTHING! I know I have to forget about him and move on. But its so hard. I try not to cry but it comes to the point of where I break down sometimes. I miss him alot. I mean theres such a empty feeling im my heart. I miss the things he'd say when we was nice to me. He could have been so sweet. I remember when he said he loves me and for me to never forget it! How he would say I was beautiful. Its so freakin hard to explain how im feeling it gets me so mad, I cant explain myself. Im so heartbroken. I had to cut him lose though cuz I wasnt only losing my heart I was losing my dignity. I tried everything to forget about him. And I just cant plz help me. I wish i could sit him down and tell him how I feel

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i think this guy didn't mean to hurt you, he possibly did really care, but the fact he cheated and lied to you shows he has issues with himself that he needs to sort out before he can be of any use to anyone, especially you! i know it's hard really hard, but try to remember that if you got back with him now you wouldn't be helping yourself or him! he maybe just needs time (maybe a lot of time) to grow up a bit and realise what it takes to make a relationship work, this split could be just what he needs! it is definitely what you need though and from now on that is what you have to concentrate on...what is good for you! by all means have the happy memories but don't let them fool you into taking him back anytime soon. take time out, be by yourself and get strong. don't do any more running in that relationship, if anything happens it has to come from him and even then it would probably have to be years down the line and maybe even by that time you will have moved on. good luck and remember its ok to cry, its all part of healing. give it time honestly, you will get over this low feeling. x

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Hi broken,

You did the right thing. I mean look at how he is acting? What kind of guy cusses his ex gf out? Someone he was supposedly in love with! No way. You are much better off without him.


I have heard many times women say " I did everything for him" I think this is just wrong. I think you know this. You are not supposed to do everything for him--what does that leave for him to do? When you do everything for him it just makes him helpless. He gets used to you being around taking care of his life for him(and fix his stuff for him). He should be able to take care of his own stuff. This type of guy doesn't learn to value you. He takes you for granted.


Broken, you learn as you go along. Take this as another experience. I am sure you will be stronger for it. You will find someone who loves you the right way and doesn't end up cussing you out for standing up for yourself.


Good luck

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I read over your previous posts.


You're placing too much importance on being with him. Your happiness doesn't have to depend on having this guy around. It seems like hasn't been making you happy anyway. He's repeatedly done things to hurt you and he will continue to do so if you were back with him because he was getting away with it.


I wouldn't let this guy consume anymore of your time. It's okay to be by yourself for a while. Treat yourself better and move on.

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Amen!!! I agree with everything hurt&abandoned said!!!! You put too much importance in being with him. You can and will be happy again but, you need to learn to love yourself first. Look he treated you like crap and you deserve better. There will come a day when you look back at this time of your life and you will be disgusted by the way you were treated. You deserve better and it is time to move on...



Hubman 8)

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I agree with most of the previous posts (and it's obvious) that this guy is not good for you at this point. Of course, that's easy to say. Here's what I would add to this: I'm not sure how old you are, but probably alot younger than I , and what I've seen over the years is that if someone is right for you, you will probably get together eventually. People often break up and then get together again (they mature, they realize how much you meant, etc.) , even years later. So go on with your life, meet new people, improve yourself, but don't be too sad about this because if this guy is right it will eventually happen. If not, you will fully realize this later on when you've met a really great guy.

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Well first of all I know what you're going through, but probably to a lesser degree. If a guy has no problem cussing a girl out especially when she loved him and he cheated her like crap he isn't even a real guy. I know it might not be fun to think of but if he really did love you back then he wouldn't have cheated. You apparently cared about htis kid alot. You just need to find a guy who can treat you the way you treat him.

I doubt this was much help but I tried


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Hey broken15,

You did the right thing when you broke it off with him. Yes, it was tough and yes, you are hurting, but you did the mature, honor-yourself kind of thing. He was the stupid little boy who couldn't control himself. When you are with someone who hurts you and cusses you and cheats on you that is abuse. Would you let anyone else do that to you? NO! Why would he or should he get away with doing that? You showed him you respected yourself more than to let him treat you like that. Good for you. Now let him go.


The thing to do now is to get past the hurt. To carry on and move on. When you feel like crying then do it. When you feel like screaming, grab that pillow. Just do what you can until the pain lifts. It will eventually. Go out with your friends, flirt, go see a comedy, watch a ball game. Get out and do things physical. Jog, hike, take a long walk, whatever will get you out in nature. It will make you feel better. Find a hobby to do. Something new. Write in a journal. Write poetry. Post here. Just give time a chance to start it's healing. I know it sounds really cliche and you've heard it a million times, but it's true...time does heal.


I hope you stay strong. When this is over you will be stronger, wiser and you will wonder what you ever saw in him. Trust me on that. Good luck.


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I think what you are missing is that feeling of having someone in your life, not HIM. You are not missing his cheating, his lies, you are grieving over the void that has been left now that he is not around. Hope that makes sense.


Keep busy and fill that void, and you will be WAY better off, and you will eventually find someone who will treat you like a princess.

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