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How can I show my boyfriend I love him?


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This is a bit of a random question. I am in a great relationship (9 months in), the best I have ever been in. I feel so in love, and I am so happy with everything about the relationship, we have laughs together, amazing sex and it is just perfect.


I'd like to show my boyfriend how happy I am though, I want to do something really great for him. Maybe surprise him in some way or something. Any suggestions? What do you guys like? Has a girlfriend ever done anything for you which you really remembered and loved?

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Appreciate ANYTHING he does for you, and let him know you appreciate it. Make him feel masculine or like "The Man." Or say thank you every so often. If you are old enough, and have had sex with your boyfriend, spoil him Make it all about him. If all fails, buy him an XBOX.

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